Happy Birthday

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Authors POV:

It was cold outside, at least for Colby. For those who lived in California it was cold. For those who didn't, it was nice and warm. Either way Colby had his hoodie on, pulled up to his mouth, his hands shoved in his pocket.

He was outside his house waiting for Brennen, an excited smile on his face, hidden behind his hoodie. Colby has been waiting for weeks to see him, missing him on Christmas and New Years.

For Christmas, Colby was forced down to his Grandma's house, not able to avoid it this time. He wishes he could've found a way to stay home and maybe with Brennen, but there really wasn't any solution. He ended up having to endure homophobic comments which were disguised but it was quite obvious it was intended to hurt.

There really was no mercy for him. He had to deal with his uncles which was excruciating since he was unable to say anything back. He wanted to so desperately insult them back but his parents glared at him and mouthed 'no' and 'don't even think about it' to him.

Instead, Colby ignored them, never saying a word, barely looking at them, and eating quietly. It was one of those times Colby wishes Brennen was with him. He wanted to bring him to spite his family but that would never happen.

Colby sighed and entered his house, leaving his door unlocked. He walked downstairs to his basement and sat on the couch ready to turn on his game console. He was feeling pretty lonely these days despite his relationship with Brennen. Probably because he hasnt been seeing him as often as he wanted due to holidays, which sucked because Colby was left alone.

He picked up the remote and was ready to switch on the tv, the game remote next to him. But suddenly he felt a grasp on his shoulders, his eyes widening, jumping from the surprise touch, quickly turning behind him and seeing his boyfriend smiling at him, his friends behind him.

"Happy Birthday, babe," said Brennen, grabbing Colby's face and pulled his face in to kiss his cheek.

Colby blushed at the action due to his friends behind him but it also warmed him up inside, missing that. Brennen sat next to him as his friends gathered near him, sitting on the floor and around him, wishing him a happy birthday, handing him a few presents.

His house was empty, just him and his friends which was nice. His parents were unable to stay for celebrations since they had to run to the family home and look after his great grandma. They still made sure to wish him a nice day, giving him small gifts. They weren't completely heartless either. He was happy to be with his friends though. Colby wouldn't have it any other way.

"Thanks guys. You really didn't have to," he said.

"What do you mean?" laughed Corey. "We're your friends! Of course we're gonna celebrate with you."

Seeing all his friends around him warmed his heart. There was quite a lot of them there, never realizing how large their friend group had grown. He was grateful, having friends who really care about you was something Colby ever experienced until now.

He was happy to turn 18 with his new found friends.

"We need to decorate this room," said Kat, looking around the room. Her blue hair was faded, a now dull colour. She sat next to Sam, his arm around her waist.

"Yes! do you have any decorations?" asked Tara, getting up and walking over to the drawers he had, Kat getting up and following her. Colby wasn't sure if they had any decorations but that didn't stop his excited friends.

A few got up and joined the girls, Jake helping Tara reach above her since she was too short. He watched as they all looked around like raccoons, opening drawers and somehow, miraculously finding a few decorations. "The power of women," said Billy, admiring the girls.

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