He's Super Popular!

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It was rainy Monday morning and Colby really wasn't feeling school at this current moment. It was so dark and gloomy outside, it was the perfect weather to sleep-in to. But instead, he was at school having to learn about parabolas and Shakespeare.

Colby was currently standing at his locker pulling out his English books and was getting ready to head into his next class. It was only his second period but he was already exhausted. He wishes he was at home sleeping next to his dogs but you can't have everything. Colby closed his locker and sighed. He walked towards where Jake and Sam's lockers were to talk.

"I can't believe you guys ditched me at the party," Colby said with a smile.

"We thought you ditched us!" Jake said laughing. Colby shook his head and three friends began walking towards each of their classes.

"Anything interesting happen?" Sam asked

Colby shook his head and told him the typical things you'd expect from a senior high school party.

"I met this dude named Billy. He was pretty nice and told me a few things. I then met a guy named Brennen and we talked for a bit. He seems nice," Colby said.

Sam stopped walking and looked at Colby. Noticing, Colby and Jake stopped as well and looked at him.

"Something wrong?" Colby asked, concerned he might've somehow offended him or said something wrong.

"No everything's cool. Its just interesting thst you spoke to Billy and Brennen. Especially Brennen."

"I mean, we didn't say much. Billy kind of just told me to stay away from his friends."

"Well, he isn't wrong. You should try to avoid them. I'm just mainly surprised that you spoke to Brennen," Sam explained.

Colby paused and looked at the two of them. He was confused. He didn't really see the big deal out of him talking to them. The two were pretty nice and he enjoyed the few minutes of conversation they had.

"Why, though. I'm so confused?"

"Colby, Brennen is like, one of the most popular dudes at this school. The main concern is, all his friends are assholes."

Colby was surprised at the revelation. He didn't realize that he was a big deal here. It makes sense though. How could a dude as good looking as him not be popular?

"What, really? He never told me!" Colby said

The trio began walking again since class was going to start soon.

"He's one of the only nice guys in the group. He and Billy are the cool ones. I'd take Billy's advice though and avoid them. We have some pretty bad experiences with most of his friends," Jake explained. Colby nodded and glanced at the few people he recognized at the party.

He later found out that the people in their little clique were pretty fucking rude. They weren't your stereotypical bullies who shove you into lockers and threaten you with knives and take your money. No, these guys were different. They'd make fun of you behind your back but always make sure you can hear them. They'd pick and make fun of every little thing you say and do right where you can hear them and make you insecure but act all nice and sweet when talking face to face

They constantly insult and making fun of kids in class and laugh at their insecurities. It wasn't fun. They were also very exclusive and hated talking to people outside of their group, often making disgusted faces. All the teachers loved them thinking they were cool nice people when really it was opposite. They were mean.

They also apparently had a group chat and would continue to make fun of people there and posting pictures. They'd mock the "losers" and make rude insulting jokes to the autistic kids in the school.

The New Kid // A Brolby FicWhere stories live. Discover now