Seonghwa- The Beginning Of The End

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Soulmates. There were plenty of definitions for that word; the kinds that would put an endearing smile onto your face, as you trailed the beautifully written literature.

However, what people failed to realize was that; all those definitions were the sugar-coated and romanticised versions of the much darker reality. For example; when those quotes said 'your soulmate was the only one who could save you', you had long realized that it was never implicit.

You lived in a reality where the first priority, of your entire lifetime was to, search for and eventually meet, your soulmate. If you didn't; there were devastating consequences; which you knew about, all too well...

Humans were said to have seven lives in total; and soulmates were expected to find each other, in every single one of them. And if, in any way, you had failed to find them; the memories of you, relentlessly searching for them would remain implanted in your mind; even through the different lifetimes.

It was horrible; the constant remembrance of the failure to find your soulmate. The tormentous guilt, regret, desolation plus the heartbreak and the torturous loneliness; would eat you up alive. You would live in misery; remembering how you died in all your past lives, alone, yet again. You would unconsciously count down the number of lives you had gone through; your chest tightening with remorse, the nearer you got to your last.

You brought your hand up and looked at the sun symbol tattooed permanently on your wrist. It was supposed to lead you to your soulmate; the heat radiating from the symbol, gradually intensifying, the closer you got to that person and reflecting the brightest light, through the sun rays of the tattoo, as the two of you finally, locked eyes with the utmost conviction that you were meant to be with each other.

You continued to stare at the symbol which had remained cold and unaffected for the entirety of your past lives. You brought down your hand and placed it back on the side of the warm coffee mug. You pressed your palms tighter onto the cup as you tried to absorb the heat being emanated by it. Your eyes trailed to the glass wall, just beside your booth; gazing at the wintry streets from the inside of the cozy café.

It was as if today's weather mirrored how you felt; gloomy and cold.

You found yourself people-watching; again, wondering, whether or not, those people who walked past you, had found their soulmates... And if they had; just how much happier it made them.

You heaved a sigh of defeat, your sorrow-filled eyes softening as you stared at the cloudy, grey sky.

"I give up..." Your voice trembled as you let out an inaudible mutter.

You were done- you were done running around aimlessly, only to end up, everytime, with utter nothingness. But worse; the nothingness was always accompanied with an immense sense of hurt, one that would engulf any, even the slightest, residue of pleasant emotions inside of you; leaving you numb and empty.

Therefore; you were not going to look for your destined person any longer; you had already spent so many lives doing so... You had realized that perhaps, it wasn't worth it, after all.

In the 20th winter of your seventh and final life; you had completely lost all of your hopes.

It was another monotonous day of your life; you were at the bus stop, waiting for the next scheduled bus. It was a freezing winter morning; you rubbed your upper arms in an attempt to alleviate the cold. You hummed along with the melancholic song playing on your earbuds; a faint smile decorating your face. You found yourself spacing out; your thoughts morphing into a void... And maybe, that was why you had almost- almost missed it. It was an instant- it disappeared the moment you blinked; the sudden gush of warmth from your wrist.

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