YunHo- Lucky Charm

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It was just another normal, boring day of your life. Another day you followed your ever-so overdone routine. You didn't dislike it, actually you were so used to it that you thought that anything out of the ordinary would have made you uncomfortable. You liked familiarity, you liked being in control of your day: you wanted every minute of it to be planned out. Were you a perfectionist? Well, yes.

And that's why; the thought of your monotonous life being turned upside down, never even crossed the antechamber of your brain.

You were seated in your usual spot in the lecture room, the lesson finished just a few minutes before. You were putting away your things into your bag when a very excited Juri, your best friend, rushed over to you.

"Hey Y/N, do you have any plans this afternoon?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

"Mmm... not really, why?" You replied nonchalantly.

"Great! Then we can go together!" She exclaimed grinning from ear to ear.

"Where to?" You asked a bit confused.

"Well.. there is this famous psychic that I have seen on TV a couple of times and her readings are like so accurate too!" She explained dramatically to grasp your interest. "She announced on her official page that she would be doing some free readings for a month in various cities- and guess what? She is doing them at a venue near the station today!"

"And so?" You asked, you knew where this was going.

"We should go! And before you say anything, I know that you don't really believe this kind of thing but for fun? You said you don't have anything to do afterwards, anyways?" She stated.

"That's true but-" She cut you off.

"Oh come on Y/N! It won't cost anything either! How many times in your life can you get a fortune reading for free?" She pleaded with her eyes. She really wanted you to tag along and you warmed up to the idea, so you agreed.

You made your way to the venue and when you reached it, what you saw shocked you. There were so many people in line to meet this psychic. Were psychics this popular?

"Look! I told you, she isn't just your average psychic. She really is famous!" Juri stated.

"Juri, there are nearly a 100 people already in line. How long do you think we'll have to wait for our turn?"

"Don't worry. Most of these people came in groups, and I don't think each reading takes that long." Is what Juri said to you 3 hours ago.

You were tired of waiting, even the slightest interest you had in the beginning had long faded away and you really just wanted to go home at this point. You thought it would have been the same for your best friend, but to your surprise, the closer you were getting to your turn, the more exuberant she was getting.

"Juri, do you really think this is worth it?" You let out a sigh.

"Hey, we have already waited this long, there's only a few people left in front of us."

"I am exhausted. We've been standing in line for nearly 3 hours. Also, I don't really belie-"

"Look! We are next!" She points. "And you don't need to believe it, like I said it's for fun! And you don't even need to be worried about being scammed, it's free!"

Maybe she was right, you were just feeling like this because you were doing something so out of routine. You needed to loosen up, try out some new things and this could have been your first chance.

As your turn finally came, you and Juri went inside. You were greeted by the smile of a 50-something old lady, dressed sophisticatedly. She had what looked like tarot cards and a glass ball, one of which you had only seen in movies, on her table. The room was decorated in a dark purple colour, dim, lit by scented candles, it made you feel relaxed. Somehow it felt legit, like she was someone that knew what she was doing.

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