Mingi- A Romance Comic

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"Look, he's here again..." Your classmate whispered to you, as she eyed the red haired boy in front of you, badly. "He's been lurking in the corridors near our class a lot these days..." She pointed out.

The male; your friend was talking about was your school's most notorious, Song Mingi. He was what you would typically refer to as a 'bad boy' or a 'gangster' or honestly whatever you wanted to call it. To you; he was just another high school boy who was desperately screaming for attention, the only difference being; he was stupid enough to use the wrong means. He presumably took part in stuff like petty theft, bullying weaker kids, drinking and other things of such. In short, he was certainly not the type you would ever want to engage with.

You leaned your back against the wall, near the window, in the corridor, as you continued to watch the boy fidget for the longest time in front of your classroom's opened door.

"What is he doing?" You inquired more to yourself than to anyone who was listening.

"I think he's here to see someone." Your classmate replied.

You sighed, as you judged his behaviour. You would tell yourself that you didn't care for him and somehow you had made yourself believe so too, but you also knew, that deep down, this boy really intrigued you. You hated it... you hated feeling that way. It was an all too overwritten plot... so clichè. Hence; you made up your mind, that no matter what happened, you would never fall for the bad boy; Song Mingi.

"Also, who in their right mind dyes their hair red anyways." You scoffed.

*A random afternoon*

School had just ended and it was pouring rain outside, luckily you had been smart enough to check the weather forecast, so you had an umbrella. You opened it up and started walking. In fact, you lived very close to your school; you would always go and come back home by foot. There were several paths you could take to get to your house, you had made it a mini habit of yours to choose the path you took based on the weather of the day. You loved rainy days and therefore you enjoyed walking longer on those. Therefore, today, you took the long way home. You hummed a familiar tune as you continued on your way, loving the relaxation the rain brought you.

Your life was bland or boring as what other people would describe it, but you didn't mind it, actually you liked it a lot. Your life was comfortable and simple, it was just not that eventful...

Thereby, it came as a big surprise when you saw the red haired boy from before, scooted at the side of the street, drenched as he had given up his umbrella to cover a topless box containing, what looked like, abandoned kittens. He quietly watched as the small pets meowed and played with each other, a big smile spread on his face as he caressed one of them carefully with his hand.

At the scene in front of you, not only were you in shock at the completely different side of the male you usually scorned at; you also felt a sense of warmth washing over your whole body. You felt your heart race and your cheeks started to feel hot.

"Why was his smile so damn beautiful..." You asked yourself, quietly.

Before you even realised it, your body started to act on his own. Your feet automatically took you near Mingi. You got into a scooting position next to him and covered his head by sharing your umbrella, protecting him from the rain. You didn't really care if it made a difference at that point.

As the red haired boy turned his head to the side to face you, surprised, you could only think of one thing: 'I want to get close to him...'

*A few weeks later*

"He's here again-" The same chatterbox of a classmate started to only be cut off by you.

"He's probably here to see me." You answered, nonchalantly, leaving her speechless.

But at this point, you felt that, everyone in your school knew, they knew you two were friends.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you. Do you have some time?" Mingi caressed the back of his neck with his hand avoiding your eyes, his cheeks tinted with the slightest tone of pink.

It made you curious... you always wanted to find out what went on in his mind. It wasn't easy though, he was not the type to open up, but you hoped... you hoped that someday he would trust you enough to do so.

"Sure." You smiled, your heartbeat escalated together with your anticipation.

As you followed behind him, you stared at his back, as you continued to take steady strides towards where he was taking you. You thought how different he was from all the rumours that went around about him. He was a fun person with a warm heart, a smile that could have lit up an entire city and sparkly eyes that seemed to contain the whole universe... 

He just happened to hang out with the wrong bunch, he mixed with the bad guys and that led him to be underlined as such. He made bad choices and did mistakes just like any other student... but deep down he was a gentle soul. 

Then, why didn't he clear his name? Why did he let other people believe he was trouble? You wondered whether you'd ever find out the reason... 

"Y/N..." The deep voice of the tall boy, standing across you, echoed.

You were now standing on the rooftop of your school, the spring breeze brushing through your hair. It felt like a scene in a romance comic, specifically the part where the male lead confessed his love to the female lead. 

The location was picture perfect... it was a quiet place; to hear each other's heartbeats and it was also a place where you were alone; to feel as if you were the only ones in the world at that moment.

"Yes?" Your voice was holding a sense of expectation.

Mingi's eyes wondered to random spots in the surroundings, in an effort to not meet yours, still contemplating on the right words to use. 

You really loved his eyes, more than anything, it was their honesty that you admired... they couldn't hold lies...

"I... I am in love with-" Your ears surely heard the name he said but a sharp beep sound resonated in your ears, as you self-censored it, hoping it would have eased the pain... of it not being yours...

"I have always been in love with her." His words of admission hurt you.

You could only fake a wide smile and make a nervous joke, teasing him, as you promised to help him out... As his friend...

On the way home that afternoon, you took the longer path, regardless of the weather, because you didn't need the rain, you were pouring tears. Suddenly all his strange behaviour from the very beginning started to make sense; his lurking in front of your classroom and his nervous behaviour... it was all because of her...

Days came around and went by, as easily as Mingi and your classmate got closer and closer. You didn't know when it happened but they got even closer than you and him ever were... and naturally you two distanced yourselves... First it was hanging out less... then you just plainly stopped doing so, then it was the phone calls followed by the texts that got fewer and fewer... To now... you were nothing less than two complete strangers.

"He's here again..." Your friend whose desk was in front of yours turned back to say.

You rested your chin on your hand, your elbow placed on your desk. You looked out of the window, your side profile facing your friend. You fixated your gaze onto the beautiful, clear sky; to avoid seeing the familiar male figure that was standing at the entrance of your classroom.

It wasn't fair... you knew him first, you understood him first and you were in love with him first...

You had to admit it; you did start to feel like you were the female lead of this love story... but, in the end... you were a side character... This romance comic was just not written for you...and your heart could only continue to break more, at the thought...

Your lips grew into a sad smile.

"He's here to see her..." You whispered.


I never knew how strong I really was until I found myself in love alone...

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