Hongjoong- Aspire

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You were late. VERY LATE. You had sworn you had set the alarm at the right time but somehow you ended up sleeping right through it. You couldn't believe this, you had prepared so much for this interview. It was a one in a million opportunity and you were just about to blow it.

You got out of the taxi, you somehow succeeded to rush the driver to get you there asap.

You hurried along the sidewalk, constantly checking google maps, trying so hard not to just break down and cry. You were not only late but also quite possibly lost.

However, you couldn't give up. You just couldn't, so even with the worst sense of direction ever you ended up in front of KQ Entertainment's building.

You really wanted to admire the beautiful building and maybe take a few deep breaths before entering it but that was not in your schedule at this point.

You rushed inside. You approached the front desk and introduced yourself. You asked where the interview was taking place, they gave you an interviewee badge and told you to hurry to the Assembly Room 4, as the meeting could have started at any minute now.

You wore your badge, your left hand squeezed the bag strap over your left shoulder and with your right you brought your document file closer to your chest. You gulped as you were frantically searching for the room. At this point you were running, you cursed your sense of direction that didn't allow you to even find a miserable room.

As you were getting more and more agitated, your head more and more cloudy, you were sweating and your heart was nearly beating out of your chest due to the nervousness. This was all your fault.

It was, therefore, natural that you didn't realise that someone was walking towards you, his head lowered checking the screen of his phone. You crashed into his body, probably with a little too much force. Your file fell down with the impact, all your documents now dispersed on the floor. Great, you thought, this was the only thing missing from the list of misfortunes that were happening, of all days, today.

You really didn't have the time for this. So you decided that rather than being a good human who should have apologized, you were going to try and recollect all your documents and rush to the interview before you actually lost the chance. However, the person who you bumped into decided to be a good human and a very kind one at that, as he helped you collect the papers.

"I'm really sorry for this mess. You are in a rush aren't you?" He asked worriedly.

As you placed the last papers inside your file and closed it. You looked at him as you stood up from your crouched position.

"Its alright. I am sorry too. Thank you for helping me." You smiled. "And. Uhm... could you please help me find Assembly Room 4?" You asked nervously, hoping with everything you had that he worked here and that he knew the place.

"Oh well, what a coincidence, I was going there too. We can go together." He smiled.

That smile radiated relief inside you, you nodded. As you followed him, you couldn't but think how gorgeous of a human being he was. Not only he was handsome, he was really gentle and he had one of the prettiest smiles you had ever seen in your entire life. You wondered whether he was an interviewee as well.

The both of you reached the door leading to the place of the meeting. Before he opened the door, he looked back at you and smiled.

"Good Luck! Do your best!" He whispered.

As you entered, you realised that they were actually waiting for you. None of the looks on you were pleasant. As you were just about to explain yourself, you saw the guy who helped you, run towards the interviewers and whisper something, they nodded and signalled you to take a seat. The guy then proceeded to sit at the interviewers table.

Was he one of those who would have interviewed you? Was he a composer? Or a producer?

*After the interview*

You let out a sigh of relief because even with all the chaos that happened this morning, you actually thought you did pretty well at the interview. Maybe it was the comforting look that guy had, he kept on listening very carefully to your answers and to the samples of your original music. He nodded and smiled as he made you feel welcomed. You owed a lot of this to him. Was he perhaps your guardian angel in human form?

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