Mingi- Love In The Air

610 21 44

"Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 824A to Seoul. We are now inviting those passengers in business and first class, to begin boarding. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you." A deep male voice announced through the speakers.

You were standing in line at your designated gate, as you waited your turn for boarding. You adjusted your blazer, tilting your head to the side, in an attempt to unstiffen your neck. You sighed as you saw the numerous passengers before you. You stared blankly ahead, your mind full of no thoughts, whatsoever.

Your eyes instinctively landed on the male flight attendant at the gate counter; the same who had made the announcement a few seconds ago. You were caught off guard by his voice, to be honest. It was very charismatic. And on top of that; he was insanely handsome too. He was tall and his chocolate locks complemented his beautiful pale skin tone, perfectly. His small eyes which disappeared, whenever, he smiled politely at the passengers, radiated an unexpected, sense of warmth. You blinked a couple of times, trying to focus your vision better, in an effort to pick on a fault of his, because you refused to believe that such an ethereal human being could even exist. It was as if your ideal type that lived only inside your head had transmigrated right in front of you.

You were snapped out of your trance-like admiration, as the passenger behind you cleared his throat, very audibly, annoyed by the fact that you were rooted in place while the line had long, shortened. You turned and nodded apologetically before quickly moving forward. Your ears turned red as you felt embarrassed by your childish actions; why were you losing your cool, only because you saw an attractive man?

You took a step closer to the gate counter as your turn to board finally arrived. You found it difficult to keep eye contact with the flight attendant before you, stuttering within the few words you exchanged too; making the interaction extremely awkward. You were so self-conscious.

He was really kind and well-spoken; you were grateful for that but honestly, it felt like a slap to your face. He remained professional all throughout; making you feel even more like an idiot for getting all up in your head, for no reason at all.

"The business class is located at the front of the flight. At the entrance, please proceed to the right." He explained; his eyes attentively focused on picking up any cue of uncertainty in your expression.

You flashed him a polite smile. "Thank you."


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 824A with service from London to Seoul. We are currently second in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately four minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Treasure Airlines. Enjoy your flight." The familiar male voice announced.

"Cabin crew, prepare for take-off." The speakers resonated, just a couple of minutes later.

You were now in the air; the protocol, captain's announcement and the safety briefing were carried out.

You let out an exasperated sigh as you leaned back further into your comfortable seat. You closed your eyes, in a desperate attempt to force your mind to stop overthinking. It wasn't as if you had never seen a good-looking man in your entire life; why were you making such a big deal about him, anyways?

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