Jongho- Buzzer-beater

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"It's going to be alright."

"You can always pursue something else."

"It's not the end of the world."

It felt as if those were the only words that anyone would tell you. Words of comfort, as they would describe it... but those words never brought you any comfort.

You had realized it, but you couldn't accept it. You had lived all these years only focusing on one thing, that one thing that you were sure you would have made a future out of. You couldn't have imagined yourself doing anything else in life... and that's why when the doctor told you couldn't have done it anymore, you felt as if your entire life came crashing down on you. It felt horrible and it was probably the darkest time of your life, thus far.


Your words somewhat irritated your friend.

"I really don't want to watch any basketball right now. Can we just watch Music Bank? My favourite idols are performing!"

She distanced her hand which was holding the remote away from you.

"You think it's funny pulling something like this on someone with an arm cast?"

You really wanted to watch the match, it was starting in a few minutes, but your friend wouldn't let you change the TV channel.

"Y/N. You should take a break from basketball. I know you have always loved it but if you only obsess about it, you'll have a harder time getting over it."

Your friend had a point, but you couldn't help it. Basketball was your one true love in life. You had fallen in love with the sport thanks to your older cousin. She had started to play at a young age and by high school she had already won several trophies with her team. She was also able to enter one of the major national leagues. Women's basketball wasn't very known in your country but, like your cousin, you wanted to help the spread of its name. In the last few years the sport has actually gotten a lot of recognition and many schools had implemented basketball clubs for both genders as opposed to only male.

Your cousin was your role model; therefore, when you got into the high school she attended, you were ecstatic. From the start of your freshman year, you had already started to play and made yourself known as an ace. Your team had won against many other teams from other schools, thereby contributing to the high rank of your school in the national high school rankings. Your coach was certain you would have gotten an athletic scholarship for your first choice university. It felt as if you were getting closer and closer to your dream; so it was impossible for you to have imagined that all your efforts would have collapsed to the floor.

Now, in your senior year of high school, with a huge cast on your arm and the incapability of pursuing your only dream, you felt extremely lost.

You hated going to school, you had lost your purpose, you had nothing to look forward to. Your grades weren't horrible but studying wasn't your thing.

You sighed as you found yourself walking to the basketball court, yet again, to watch from the sidelines. You watched how your teammates were doing great, even without you, and in a couple of days your coach would have probably found someone else to replace you. It felt as if you were watching your dream being erased with an extremely bad eraser, bit by bit.

You sighed again as you stood up from the bench, with your heavy arm cast and your heavier heart, you turned away and walked out of there, unnoticed. It felt as if you were forgotten together with your dream, as if it never existed in the first place.

On your way out, you noticed something plastered on the wall. It was the game schedule for the boys' team. There was one against HALA High that Saturday...

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