San- Breathe, without you

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It was a routine morning for you; you were an early bird so you had woken up before the clock struck seven. It was your off-day and you had made up your mind to do some cleaning, as you had been procrastinating on doing so for a little too long.

You let out an exasperated sigh as you stood in front of the huge disorganized bookshelf; its books really needed to be ordered and it was surely going to take up a lot of your time.

You had taken out all of the books; stacking them up into distinct piles as you rearranged them, one by one, on the shelves. It took you around half an hour to only finish the lower half. You had picked up a couple of books, from one of the piles, to reorganize them on the higher shelves. You had neatly placed them on the wooden shelf, your hand holding the only book that didn't fit in that row. You glanced down at its cover.

"Breathe?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you had no recollection, whatsoever, that you owned such a novel.

The book didn't have an attractive front-cover or an interesting title to it; it was pretty ordinary but... Why were you drawn to it?

Surely, you hadn't bought it yourself; then had someone gifted it to you? If so, who could that have been? Also was it a romance novel? Why wasn't the author's name written on it?

Your curiosity was persistent and you found yourself skimming through its pages that emanated the peculiar but pleasant smell of the inked paper.

However, before your eyes could focus on the inscribed words; your attention was abruptly stolen by two strong arms gently wrapping themselves around your waist from behind, pulling you closer against their owner's body.

"San..." You uttered, your eyes softening instantly.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked in his deep, raspy morning voice that never failed to awaken the butterflies in your stomach.

His hands secured themselves tighter around you; his touch radiating a comforting warmth that made you lean back and sink into his soothing embrace. You couldn't describe what it was but you had always felt so safe in his arms.

He lowered his head, placing his forehead on your shoulder; his rather long bangs caressing your exposed skin. You brought your hand up to ruffle his messy blonde locks; earning a small chuckle from him. He snuggled into the crook of your neck; your lips curving up into a smile as you found him utterly adorable.

"Are you hungry?" You questioned, your eyes trailing to the clock on the living room wall.

He shook his head, nuzzling your shoulder; a giggle escaped you at the ticklish sensation.

It had been a really long time since the two of you had been intimate with each other; both of you being busy with your own work schedule, and to San it was almost torturous. It wasn't often that the two of you had a day-off together and he wanted to grab this rare opportunity.

He wanted you.

You were taken by surprise when you felt his lips brushing against your sensitive skin, leaving a trail of kisses from your shoulder all the way to your ear. You directed your entranced gaze to his hands that had left your waist to sneak up under your t-shirt, feeling up your bare abdomen.

"Come back to bed." He whispered; the sexiness of his voice intensifying. It always messed with your sanity.

You felt your cheeks burn up as you whimpered under his touch.

"I-I need to finish up here first." You stuttered, your breathing becoming unstable as your heart-rate accelerated.

"You can finish that later." He affirmed, authoritatively. His hand placed itself on your chin, guiding you to turn your head to the side. He inched closer to your face; his lips forming into a smirk as they hovered over yours, teasingly. "Or you don't want to?"

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