Hongjoong- Business Deal (PT. 2)

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On your next try, you had easily found the living room; it was just so ridiculous how you weren't able to, before. It was as if life had meticulously planned it out- each of your steps and every wrong turn; purposefully wanting to make you overhear that daunting conversation. You made your way through the crowd, flashing a fake polite smile to anyone you locked eyes with. You spotted a conveniently vacant couch and walked over to it, as you plopped down on it; your mind continued to race, uncontrollably; that initial stinging sensation in your chest, amplifying gradually.

You stared blankly ahead, your orbs deprived of their brightness; you didn't understand- you couldn't. What was that conversation even about? Who was that girl? And- why had Hongjoong hid his intentions, all along?

It wasn't as if you would've gotten angry at him; your marriage was a mere business deal between your families; even though you were his wife on paper, he had clearly drawn the line from the very start, he didn't have any feelings for you and therefore; he owed you nothing. Then why? Why couldn't he just confide in you; the same way you did? You had told him everything- every unnecessary detail of your miserable life and you truly thought he did the same, hell- you thought the proximity between the two of you was built purely on the empathy you shared.

Why? Why did he have to make it so needlessly complicated? Why did he have to go ahead and hide it, as if it was something scandalous? Why- why did he have to make it seem as if he was cheating on you?

Before you knew it; your eyes were filled to the brim with tears, your eyebrows furrowed as you couldn't bear the painful throbbing of your heart, you bit your lip in a desperate attempt to prevent yourself from breaking down-

You felt horrible- it was so upsetting- so, so upsetting.

As the teardrops, that you held back with your deteriorating willpower, finally escaped; dripping one by one, onto your lap, you realized- you had realized, in that devastating moment, that you were in love- you were in love with Hongjoong.

You bit your trembling lower lip, harder; in an effort to suppress the sobs that threatened to draw attention towards you. You felt helpless- you felt dumb- you felt utterly horrible; just why did you have to fall in love with him? Why was life so cliché- so predictably cliché? It was even more infuriating because you knew the consequences, you had seen this exact situation being played out so many times- so many freaking times and yet- yet you had to succumb to the same circumstances.

Your eyes locked with the one person you absolutely despised the thought of, in that instant; his expression held shock as he saw your miserable state; he immediately jogged to you. He crouched down before you; his comforting hands, almost instinctively finding their way to yours; as they enveloped yours in their warmth. He looked up at you; his gaze exuding concern.

"Y/N, why're you crying?" He asked, worry-evident in his tone.

You furrowed your brows; the frustration clouding your mind, completely. You wanted to push him away and possibly even throw the vase next to you, right in his face. It was his fault- it was all his fault.

Yet, you knew- you knew that the anger you felt wasn't directed at him, but to yourself. You pitied yourself and you hated that- you hated it so much that you felt better blaming it all on him.

But you couldn't- you couldn't act on your thoughts; you weren't a kid, you couldn't possibly throw a temper tantrum and especially not in front of all these people- not in front of that girl, that was probably somewhere in the crowd.

You were exhausted; your heavy intensified emotions were only making it worse.

As more tears freely flowed down your cheeks, Hongjoong didn't know what to do- he didn't know what to make of this situation. Were you feeling sick? Had someone made you uncomfortable? Just what had happened?

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