Chapter 28 - The Red Apple Thing

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{Bakugo pov}

I woke up to the sound of tapping. Or something like that. I looked to the corner as to where the sound was coming from.

A little flicker of light shone onto what looked like water... A puddle of water.


They were drips coming from the ceiling. But, only in that one spot. I hope it wasn't what I thought it was. Or maybe it was just from the rain - well I think it was raining.

The chains rattled next to me. It was just Icy Hot moving about. It looked as if he was asleep. I thought of how uncomfortable the chains were. If they were any tighter I think my arms would have came out of their sockets. Quite literally. Are they seriously just going to keep us here?

I felt my lips with my tongue and they felt insanely chapped.


At that point I had completely forgotten about food and water. When was the last time I ate? Or even drank for that matter. Surely they wouldn't keep us in here till we rot, Right?


The water dripping from the roof made my thirst even worse. I want it. Give me it. I NEED water.

I started to hear muffled voices again. But this time, I couldn't make out what they were saying.

I looked up. The flicker of the light had now turned into a dim bulb. You would be lucky to even find your way out of here. It was just black. Except from a few holes in the walls. Very. Small. Holes.


The door creaked as it opened, whilst someone entered.

"You the only one awake?"

The person came into view and it was the guy with burn marks all over his face. He had a tin of something in his hand. He walked over to Icy Hot and kicked him right in the face. LIKE WTF. Icy Hot immediately woke up, shocked. He then did the same thing to Aizawa. Who had the same expression on his face.

"Before you start whining and cussing. I was sent here to give you food. No water. Just food" He set down three things. They looked like apples but I wasn't sure.

Aizawa and Icy Hot grabbed theirs with their feet. But something was off. Mine was like a few centimetres further than theirs. I couldn't reach it.

"Hey!" I snapped, getting the guy's attention.

"You have a problem?" The guy answered back. He was pretending he didn't know. Which really pissed me off.

"It's too far! You did it on purpose" I sneered, trying my hardest to reach the bit of food.

Aizawa and Icy Hot were eating away and I was ravenous.


My stomach was constantly whining at me, like a baby wanting it's favourite toy back. The guy had left without saying anything. Leaving me, completely helpless.

"Sorry, I would've saved you some. But I-" Icy Hot started to say, finishing off his 'apple'

"Ugh!" I gave up. I couldn't do anything. However hard I tried I couldn't reach it. It was so frustrating I was so close. Even if my nails had only been a few millimetres longer, I could of reached it.

That night/day was dreadful. I could barely sleep. I finally got some sleep though...

{Deku pov}

I was walking past the room where Kacchan and that were. When I heard a grunt. I was presuming it was Kacchan.

You should check it out

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