Chapter 18 - TIK TOK'SSSS

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{Deku pov}

"So now that Midoriya's back we can start to do more hero stuff" Aizawa started to say.

Whilst he was explaining everything I just looked around the room. Everyone that I once thought would be bullied had became my friends. I never thought this would happen. Like ever.

"You better be listening, nerd"

I turned around and saw Kacchan looking at me.

"I a-am" I replied.

By the way I think I forgot to mention that he took his headphones off when he got to the classroom. He hasn't still got them in.

I got handed a sheet.

"I'll only give you a few minutes on these. Be truthful, and pick the boxes you think allocate to you" Aizawa said handing the sheets out.

I got my pencil out and looked at the first question.

If you saw a villain would you:

A. Go up to them and fight them head on

B. Run away

C. Call for help

D. Keep everyone around the area safe and look for any heroes

That's easy. I pick D. Next one.

If you got held hostage by a villain would you:

A. Try to escape even if it won't work

B. Don't struggle and let them do whatever

C. Wait for a pro hero to come and get you

D. Scream and shout making as much noise as possible

Hm. I pick C.

You are badly injured whilst fighting a villain do you:

A. Get up and run away

B. Get up and carry on the fight

C. Stay there and die

D. Leave it up to the other heroes

E. Help everyone else and leave it up to the heroes

Urm D or... No I pick E.

"Hurry up, there's only a few questions" Aizawa said complaining to the whole class.

I looked down and saw that there were only five questions. Two more.

Would you choose yourself getting captured over your friend/ family:

A. Yes

B. No

Obviously yes. Last one.

What inspired you to be a hero? Explain your answer:

W-What. W-Well I urm. It was All Might but. Now I just want to prove everyone wrong. I don't feel like telling anyone this. So I'll write nothing on this one. I'll just pretend I forgot it or something.

"Right, time's up. Put your name's on and pass them down to the front" Aizawa exclaimed.

"K-Kacchan" I said passing my sheet to Kacchan.

"Hey Midoriya, you mind passing these down?" A guy with weird looking purple balls on his head said handing me a few sheets. I think his name was Mineta or something?

"O-Oh sure" I said taking them off of him.

"Kacc-" I started to say.

"Yeah yeah I know" He said grabbing them off of me.

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