Chapter 21 - His secrets

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{The next day at school}

{Bakugo pov}

"What are we going to do?!" Shitty hair panicked.

All the teachers and class 1-A were sitting round a massive table. We were basically just panicking on what had happened the previous night. Well mainly me.

"What if they come after us next!?" Raccoon eyes panicked.

"Everyone shut up!" Mr Aizawa said. He looked very anxious from just one glance.

"About what Shigaraki, Or whatever his name is, Said. Did you really bully him to the point where he was going to kill himself?" Pink cheeks said looking at me.

I could hear whispering between my classmates.

"I would say we leave him. Why should we just help a quirkless boy? Risking our lives for one person. Who doesn't even have a quirk" All Might said.

All eyes shot onto All Might. Did he just say that? Or am I... No he did, right?

"H-How could you say that" I stuttered looking over at him "He- HE LOOKED UP TO YOU! AND THEN... YOU FUCKING SAID HE COULDN'T BE A HERO!"

Gasps spread around the room. I was so... so FUCKING ANGRY!

"AND NOW! YOU DONT CARE YOU BASTARD! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I yelled standing up from my chair.

Mr Aizawa got up from his chair and walked over to me. He whispered into my ear 'chill out and sit down'

I sat down and Mr Aizawa went to sit back down too.

I was still angry. More than angry. I was furious!

"What do you have against that kid? From the first day you met him. You've been purposely mean to him" Mr Aizawa said pointing the question towards All Might.

"Enough... we should all be working out how we are going to get him back" Principal Nezu explained "Some of the teachers think that they might have taken him back to their previous base. The old ran down bar. Does anyone know why he would be taken?"

The room went quiet.

"Shigaraki said something about saving the kid, right?" A girl with black hair said. I'm pretty sure she was called Midnight.

"From what though?" Shitty hair said.

Could The League Of Villains actually be trying helping him? But how? Wait what if they are keeping him away from me? No... From everyone? Ugh! This is so annoying!

I had my hands over my head whilst leaning on the desk.


Could one of them be related to Deku?

No that's stupid.


"Bakugo. You've got something haven't you? Icy Hot said looking at me.

Once again, all eyes were on me.

"What if... what if one of them are related to him?" I said "Like Shigaraki for example. He wants to save him from 'me'" I said looking at my hands.

"They look nothing alike" Raccoon eyes said.

"That could be right. What if the League are just trying to save him" Midnight said.

"What would the reason for saving him be though?" Pink cheeks asked.

"Bullying..." I said still looking down at my hands.

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