Chapter 16

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Melissa and Harry sat like that for minutes until Liam walked on them.

"Mel, your dad wants to see you," Liam softly says before he saw them.

"Erm, I'll be there. Just give me a minute."

Liam nodded his head and walked back inside. Harry stood up and helped Melissa.

"So uhm, where do we go from here?" he asked.

Melissa shook her head. Honestly, she didn't know what their relationship was right now, but all that mattered to her was that their hearts beated as one again. Even if that sounded too cliche.

She lead them inside, but then left Harry to go back with her brother so she could go see what her father wanted. Her feet walked up the staircase and into his office. When she opened the door, she saw the rage in her father's eyes that was burning like a fury.

With her soft voice, she talked to him.

"What's wrong?" 

"I saw him," he growled. His face turned to the window as he overlooked the horizon. 


"Oh don't act dumb with me Melissa!" he screams. "I saw Harry! I know his hair, I know him!" 

Melissa tried to fight off the rage that was building, but she couldn't take it anymore. 

"And?! You have no say in my relationships anymore! He is always my first love and that is it!" 

"Zayn can change that though," he says softly; his head turning towards her; his eyes burning with fury; the evil smirk that appeared on his face. 

She stayed silent. Her mind knew who hard it would be on Zayn for him to even know about her and Harry. The promise she made to him was something she couldn't break. 

"Not so tough now, are you?" her dad chuckled darkly. 

"Harry's always going to be my first love and you can never change that, Dad. I will always love my Harry." 

"We'll see about that," he laughed as he grabbed the briefcase under his desk. He opened it to reveal the folder. 

The folder that held many secrets he was keeping from Melissa. The ones that could change anyone's life. His hands grabbed all the papers that were in the folder and handed it to Melissa. Her face expression was dumbfounded, but she grabbed the papers. 

"What's this?" she asked as she examined it. 

"All the letters that Harry wrote to you," he says. 

Her eyes widened. She couldn't keep her cool anymore, and she had to let it all out.

"What the actual fuck Dad! You kept all the fucking letters Harry wrote to me and kept it all to yourself!? Does Niall know what a fucking asshole you actually are?! Fuck you!" 

She stormed out of the room and ran down the stairs. Her feet kept going until she slammed the metalic door behind her. The sun's rays hit her skin, but she didn't want it to. Her feet ran her towards the big tree that held a treehouse that the old owner's had made before they had moved in. 

Melissa sat down after she had climbed the tree to reach the treehouse. It was vacant and silent in there; perfect for her to read and clear her thoughts. 

* * * * * 

At the last of Harry's letters, her tears fell. Her trembling hands reached for her phone in her pocket and it dialed Zayn's number. She heard his rapsy voice on the other line. 


"Zayn, can you get over here?" she asks; folding all of the letters in one stack. 

"Is something wrong?" he asks; rustling noises being heard. 

"Just...get over here please."

"I'll be there in 10." 

She hung up on him and sat in silence. The sky dimmed as it became 5. 

* * * *

Below her, she heard the rustling of leaves on the green grass. She got up and looked under her from the carved out window. Zayn stood there with his hoodie over his head. She whistled at a high volume in which Zayn looked up. 

He got up on the ladder and climbed the tree branches. When he opened the tree door, he smiled to her. He crawled towards her in a swift motion. His lips lingered on her forehead more than it should've, but Melissa didn't mind. 

"What's up babe?" he asks as he sat next to her. 

She looked at her fingers as she played with them, but Zayn didn't want her to do that. He placed a finger on the bottom of her chin and made her look at him in the eye. 

"What's wrong?" he asks more sternly. 

"I love Harry still," she whispers against the brushing wind. 

His heart sank into pieces, but he kept firm from letting the tears spill all over his face. 

"More than me?" he asks. She nodded her head in response; not trusting her own voice. 

"Well, if you love him...I'll ju-just let you be," he says softly. Her eyes widened as his golden brown eyes glistened with his pain. 

"I-I couldn't hurt you like that Z-"

"I don't want to hurt you by making you stop loving Harry. If he's the person you want, then that's the person you'll ever love."


"If you don't want to hear it like that, then take it this way: We're breaking up," he says; forcing a smile. 

"I still love you-"

"But you'll always love Harry." 

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