Chapter 17

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Melissa sat by herself in the kitchen. The whole house was silent which was weird. The boys were still there, and yet they weren't making a sound. She sighed deeply and took a sip of her water. 

"What have I done?" she thought to herself. "I've hurt Zayn the way his ex hurt him! He told me he loved me, but why was I even with him if I didn't feel the same in the first place?"

Niall's laughter startled Melissa as she saw the three figures walk inside of the kitchen. 

"Is there anything to eat?" Niall asks as he looked inside of the fridge. 

"Ask Mark," she simply replies; staring down at her drink. The atmosphere was unusually uncomfortable, and she didn't feel like eye contact is the best way to go right now. 

Niall stared at Louis and Harry then back at his sister. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he walked out of the room. Louis nudged Harry on his arm; their eyes meeting. 

Talk, Louis mouthed. Harry's eyes went wide as he shook his head vigorously. 

Melissa played with the hem of her shirt, listening to Louis and Harry's loud-whispering bickering. She was leaning on the counter, not really wanting to make any contact with them or startle them. It was awkward for her for sure, but she couldn't help but laugh at their bickering. 

"Just do it!" Louis whispered/yelled.

"Fuck no!" Harry whispers back. Louis rolled his eyes at Harry and decided to be the bigger person and shrug his shoulders like he didn't have a care anymore. Harry sighed at Louis' actions, and turned to face Melissa. Louis, however, pushed Harry towards her.

"Oh, uh...sorry," Harry mutters. She looked up and locked her eyes with his. Those emerald eyes never failed to make her day brighter. 

It shined with lust and beauty. Through his eyes, it told a story. And no matter what, she never hated looking into them. It was truly memorizing, from day 1. 

"I'll just..yeah," Louis chuckles as he went away and looked for Niall.

"Do-do you want to talk?" Harry stutters; never leaving his glance away from her eyes. She nodded her head in reply. 

Harry brought them outside, to the backyard. They sat on the swing set and looked at each other. Their glances never left each other's eyes. It was just a constant stare at each other. 

"I'm sorry for kissing you," Harry starts. 

"I think it's for the best that you did. I never really knew if I still had feelings for you, or needed closure," she expains. 

"So, honestly, do you think you still have feelings for me? Or is it just...that you just needed the closure?" 

"I still like you," she hesitantly says, "and I don't know but...I'm still in love with you."

"Mel, you know I've never been able to forget about our romance? Because you were the person that brought happiness to my life back home. It was never the popularity or anything else, it was you. And I think that, no matter what, I'm still going to love you," Harry vents. "But what about Zayn?" 

"He wanted the best for me, so he broke up with me," says Melissa, "and I don't even know if I should be happy, or not."

"Well, now I can ask you out," he chuckles. 

"Yeah, maybe," she lightly blushes. They sat in silence for a couple of minutes until Niall and Louis came out and yelled. 

"Melissa!" they yell in unison. Her head snapped to their direction. 

"What?" she screams back. 

They were in front of her, and Niall gave her a piece of paper. Harry stared at the two whilst Melissa read the paper. 

You're dad isn't safe. He's gone somewhere where he's in great danger. Hurry and look at the clues that are scattered all around. Bring Melissa - she's the only way to get him back. 

~ J

"He's not safe?" she whispers.

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