Chapter 18

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They all stared at each other with bewilderment. None of them knew what to do, and Melissa stood froze, analyzing the note. 

"L-let's go," she whispers as she stared up at Louis. 

"But...where would we even know where to go? I mean...the person didn't even leave any clues!" 

"It's scattered around, you dumbass!" she fights back. Louis winced at her words, but she ignored it whilst storming into the house. The others followed behind, worried for her and Niall's father's safety.

"But how do we know where the first clue is!?" Louis screams after her.

"Lou, she knows what she's doing, trust me," Harry smirks. Louis rolled his eyes at Harry whilst he stared at Niall for assistance. 

"He's got a point there mate. Let her be and let her find the clues." 

He sighed in defeat and screamed at her, "You're delusional! You might even get the first clue the next morning!" Everyone stopped walking when she grinned at them. 

"Guess who I just found."

* * * * *

They walked down the streets.

"Are you sure-"

"Mel, even though we broke up, I still care for you. Besides, you and Niall are like my family," Zayn smiles. She acknowledged his effort in helping by hugging him. 

"Thank you," she whispers as they kept walking until Zayn told them to stop. Melissa didn't let anyone else go with them only because of their safety. She knew that she would have to sacrifice herself, just for her own dad. 

"It's right here," Zayn points to a warehouse. 

"And how do you know this?" 

"I have my ways. Don't underestimate it. Go inside before your dad gets in trouble," he smiles as he gives her a hug. "And stay safe Mel." 

She nodded her head in response and went in. The place was dimmed with lighting and a few natural light came through the windows. Her footsteps walked across the hallways, creating soft noise that echoed throughout the building. 

"So you decided to come by," she heard a voice call out. Her head looked around the dark place, but didn't see any signs of figures. 

"Who are you, and why did you get my dad?!" her voice screamed. 

The person chuckled darkly, making shivers run down her spine. Suddenly, the lights turned on. In the middle of the building, she saw her dad tied up with one of the pillars. His body shook outrageously, wanting a way out; his mouth sealed shut with a piece of duck tape. 

"What do you want from me!" she screamed as she ran towards her dad. A person behind her got a grasp of her with sudden contact. 

"Oh poor Melissa," the person said, "poor, poor Melissa." 

"Who are you? Show yourself!" she screamed again, fighting against the person behind her. 

"The name's James, but I'm not the capturer. The person you're looking for is somewhere else."

"I said show yourself, James!" she hisses. 

The figure showed himself. His face was pale as the night sky; the lips were all scratched up; brown scars showed itself on his skin; his lanky body showed no fear to her. 

"Why did you capture my dad?!" she screams again. 

"Don't move a muscle, and keep quiet. Or, your dad will pay the price," he hisses. A man went behind her dad and placed a gun on his head. She stood still and kept her mouth shut. 

"Good. Now, I suppose you stay that way until J gets back," he said. 

Her body shivered in fear with how James talked to her. The only choice she had left was let them do whatever with her and let her father go. 

"Tie her up," James screams to the man behind her. Her body tensed as the man scooped her up and tied her to a pillar. Her arms and legs were tightly wrapped up with ropes. 

She looked around frantically and looked at her dad. His eyes were full of tears, and some of them dropped onto his lap. Her eyes looked around and saw James talking on the phone on the other side of the building. The man was still behind her father, pointing the gun at his head and his finger on the trigger. The other man that tied her up was on the other pillar, leaning against it as he watched her and her father. 

"I have news for you, sweatpea," James growls. 

"What?" she whispers softly with no attitude. 

"The boss man called. He told me something," he says as he quirked an eyebrow at her. 

"What did he say?" she asks again. 

He turned to the man behind her father and whispered, "Shoot him."

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