Chapter 11

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A/N A 'scene' from this chapter is taken from an imagine created by someone. Don't know who exactly, but it was from an imagine. So all credits goes to that person.(: xx

I sighed in a furious manner as Niall laughed at me. 

"You should've seen your face!!" He exclaims, laughing until his eyes were filled with tears. 

"Meanie." I pouted as I brushed away from him. 

"I know you still love me!!" He yells back as I entered my room.

"You wish leprechaun!" I screamed back before I closed my door. 

 I plopped onto my bed, grinning at the thought of Zayn. He was mine. And I'm his. That's all that matters now.

* * * * *

"Melissa!" I hear a distinct voice yell. Pebbles were being thrown to my window. I groaned as I got up to see Zayn smiling. 

"What do you want Malik?" 

"Nialler told me to meet your guys here! We're all having a hangout!" He screams. 

I grinned and yelled back, "Be right down there!"

I ran downstairs and opened the door to see Zayn, Lou, and Liam. 

"Hey lads. I'll call Niall." I smiled. Before I could even call his name, he came down, stumbling on his own two feet. 

"I'll be back." I smiled walking back upstairs as I heard the whispers.

* * * * *

When I walked downstairs, the guys were already watching Finding Nemo. I smirked at Niall and he just laughed. 

"What! You know I love this movie!" 

"Yeah, but seriously?" I laughed, walking towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. I walked back to the guys to see them staring at me, especially Zayn. I smiled at them and sat down next to Zayn. Well, almost. 

He grabbed my waist and made me sit on his lap, kissing my cheek. His face became flustering red as all eyes were set on us. 

" Oh....God." He says, laughing at his own 'stupidity'.

"Busted mate!" Louis screams as everyone started laughing. 

I kissed Zayn's cheek and smiled at him, happy that he actually told people now. 

* * * * *

"Melissa!!" I hear my dad scream rather loudly. 

"Coming!" I screamed back, putting on sweats. 

"Hurry up!!"

I ran downstairs to see Niall and him grinning at me.

"What happened?" I asked. 

"Niall told me."

I stared at both of them confused until my dad answered my thoughts.

"You and Zayn are finally dating." My dad grins. I glared at Niall and he just walked away.

"I-I don't know what to say Dad." I say.

He just grinned at me and started talking again. "I'm happy you found a guy like him. I approve of you both dating."

I stared at him bluntly. He lets me date Zayn, but not Harry? My Harry?

"Why?" I asked suspicously. 

"He's a sweet boy. I think he's appropriate for you." He grins. 

My blood coursed through my body furiously as my fist began to form tightly. 

"So you think Harry and I weren't cut off to be with each other even though he was the only person that made me feel genially? Seriously Dad!? What's so wrong with being in love with Harry!" I screamed. 

From the corner of my eye, I saw Niall hiding behind a wall, eavesdropping at our conversation. 

"Harry was a player from the way he looks and acts. Zayn is more sophisticated for you."

"No. Harry made me happy and you knew that. Zayn might make me happy too, but I was in love with Harry. He made me feel loved."

"But Melissa, I was just looking out for you."

"No," I snapped. "You were just looking out for yourself and your estates. He came over whenever you weren't home and treated me like a princess. But you ruined it."

"You know that's not true." He says softly.

I snorted at him and answered back, "It's the truth. And why are you convicting Harry when he did nothing wrong but love me?"

"What about Zayn?"

"Leave him out of this Dad." I snapped. The tears were forming in my eyes, and I felt huge hands grabbing me.

"Let's just get you to bed." Niall says, trying to pull me away. However, I was strong enough to pull away from his grasp and turn back to my dad.

"It's your fault for leaving me broken and sore like Zayn. It's your fault."

Niall picked me up and carried me to my room as my tears fell. 

"I loved him." I sobbed out as Niall caressed me in a lovingly way.

"Sh..." He says, stroking my back and hair. The hysterical hiccups came and I just couldn't stop. I loved Harry, and I still do. That's the truth.

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