One True Love

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A/N Well I lied. Haha. I actually thought my wifi hated me and left me, but he didn't. He came back and showed me his love.<3 So I'm back bitches with a new story! And another story! Prologues for you guys. Why? Because you guys are effin amazing! Can't ask for better fans like you guys!(: xx

BTW this is all fictional. VERY FICTIONAL. So don't hate on me about all this. Have a problem? Sorry. It'll be for a while.</3 

I walked to first period until I heard yelling. 

"You're going to be late Mel!" I turned to see Daisy yelling at me. 

I'm going to be late!?

"Thanks! I owe you one!" I yelled back as I ran. I made the door fly open, everyone's eyes at me. 

"You're lucky you're just seconds late. Sit down Ms. Anderson." My teacher said. I followed her instructions. 

Unfortunately for me, my regular seat was taken. The only seat that was free was next to…fuck. Damn. I have to sit next to Harry Styles. The school's man slut. I rolled my eyes at him and took the seat. 

"You look damn pretty just to be mad at me." He whispers. 

"Shut it." I snapped at him as I took out my book. He backed off and started looking at the teacher. But his eyes always looked back at me. Dumbass. 


"Melissa! Wait!" I hear someone yell as I dashed out of class. 

"What?" I snapped, turning around to be faced by Harry.

"Do you want to hang out sometime?" He pants. 

"Why? So you can bang me? I'd rather not." I say, walking towards my locker. 

"I was actually thinking about a date, but since you insisted." He whispers in my ear. Shivers went down my spine, but I slammed my locker door and walked away from him. 

"Come on." 

"No." I snapped at him. 

"Give me one good reason why." 

"Because you're just using me just for sex." I answered as I entered the cafeteria. 

"You actually think that?" He asks as he took a tray and stood next to me. 

"Yes. I'm not a dumbass Harry. Now leave me alone." I said as I walked away from him. 

The whole school day I was lucky enough. He listened and didn't say a word to me, but his eyes were constantly looking at me. 


I walked out of the studio. The sun's powerful rays hitting my skin felt nice for a change. You rarely get weather like this in England. 

I kept walking, passing the ally of Newlerd's Bakery. My heels stopped my tracks as I heard yelling. 

"Don't! I didn't mean it!" I turned around, but there no sign of a presence. 

"I promise!!" The voice yelled again. 

I walked towards the voice, the yelling getting louder and louder. 

"Please!" The voice yells. I turned the corner to see Harry being pinned against the wall by John. 

"John!" I yelled, running towards them. 

"What is it?" He glared at me. "Can't you see I have something to do right now?" 

"And can't you see that I still know your little secret?" I smirked at him. His eyes went to the terrified Harry then to me. 


"Hm…so you wouldn't mind if I told the whole school about you and-"

"Fine!" He cuts me off, letting Harry go. 

"You're lucky…this time."

"And there won't be another time." I glared at him as he walked the other way. 

I picked Harry up, and walked away. 

"Wait!" He yells after me. 

I turned around to see him panting.

"Thanks." He smiles.

"Sure." I shrugged, walking away from him. 

I turned the corner to see Daisy waving at me. 

"Hi!" I yelled. She pointed behind me. I turned around to see Harry.

"What the hell? Why are you following me?"

"How can I make it up to you?" He asks me. 

"By leaving me alone." I glared at him. I looked back, but Daisy was long gone with her boyfriend. 

"Oh come on. Let me at least give you a ride home."

"You don't know how to drive." I said. 

"Sure, but I can accompany you home." He smiles. I rolled my eyes and started walking. 

"Well are you coming curly?" I yelled, still walking towards my house.

Harry caught up to me. 

"You know I'm not what you think." 

"Is that so? Hm. Guess I'll have to talk to all of the girls at school and ask them if they were lying about you or not." I joked.

"I seriously haven't had sex! I don't even know why girls tell people say that." 

"So you go with their lies just to be popular?" I asked him. 

"I didn't want to make them seem like liars." He answers. 

"Oh no because sluty girls deserves the best." I joked. I stopped to see Hailey glaring at me.

"Guess your number one customer hates me right now." I smirked at him. He rolled his eyes at me. 

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't hate you. I don't like you that much, but I don't hate you."

"How can I make it up to you then?" He asks. 

Wow. Just look at those emerald eyes. Memorizing. 

"Uh…erm…prove to me that you don't care about what anyone says."

"As in?" He asks.

"Bring everyone from school back to reality. Tell them the truth." I say as I kept walking. 

"Fine. I will. Just because I can't have you hate me."

"I don't hate you." I singed.

"But it seems like you do!" He mocks my voice. I stopped at the gates and turned to him. 

"See you later curly." I said as I opened the gates. 

"Bye love." He says as he walks away. 

Did I just almost make up with Harry Styles, the school's man slut? 

Whatever. As long as I get to see those memorizing eyes…

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