Chapter 19

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"Wait!" she screamed in horror as she tried writhing herself out of the ropes. 

"What now!?" James hissed at her as he dropped the gun to his side. 

"C-can I talk to him one last time? He i-is my father after all!" 

James stared at her with cold eyes, but nodded as he turned to looked at her dad. The ropes let her go, and the man letted her go. She ran towards her father, embracing him for she knew it would be their last. As the tears pricked on the sides of her eyes, she saw James wipe away a tear from the corner of her eyes.

"I'm not going to let them take you away from me," she whispers to her dad's ear. 

"We have no choice. I'm not letting them take you. I've lived long enough, it's j-just the best for us." 

As she pulled away, the man tied her up once again to the pillar and kept a firm hold on her wrists. James pulled the gun once again towards the temple of her dad, a slick finger ready to press down on the trigger. 

"Melissa, just remember - True love is true love. First loves are your first. Don't try to fight it. Love it. I should've told you before, I'm sorry," he screamed at her as the tears never stopped. 

"Dad!" she screamed as she fought out of the ropes and out of the man's arms. 

"Say your prayers," James hisses at him as he pulled the trigger. 

Velvet red streamed down his face as the bullet punctured inside of his skull. His eyes became full white as his mouth began to choke out blood. The white, ghastly eyes began to close slowly as the blood kept streaming down.

She tried pushing herself towards his dead body, but failed in attempt. As her dad's eyes fully closed, James walked over to her with the gun. His eyes darkened with hatred and the grey fading into the chilling color of a stormy blue. 

Melissa pulled back to the pillar as the man's grip tightened around her wrists. Her throat arched back as her nostrils flared in disgust. 

"W-why?" she hissed at him as tears kept streaming.

"The boss man said so, sweetheart," he chuckles.

"Who in the fucking world is this arse!?" 

"Me," a dark voice answers as a figure comes out from the darkness. 

Her jaw dropped in shock as she saw who stood there: Zayn.

Yeah, yeah, it's short, I know. Bad writer's block for the ending, even though I know how it ends. I just can't think of how to type it up. Sorry, I'll try to write more! x

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