Chapter 7

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A/N So sorry. SCAL isn't going to be updated this week. Next week probably. Writing at least two letters in Harry's POV. Remember, this is like the Notebook. Similarities, alright? And I love what you guys have done for me, but I still feel the pain at night. I don't want to fail you. Sorry. </3 xxx


Dear Melissa, 

I can't believe you actually left. I thought it was a lie to me. Just to push me away. 

But that's what I've been doing to you. I pushed you away, and avoided you to try to get over you. But it never worked. 

I loved you. And I still do. 

Where has the time gone? It's only a day and I already miss you. Weird, isn't it?

Didn't we promise each other something?

We promised that we would stay bestfriends no matter what. We are keeping that promise, aren't we? I would hate to break a promise, especially if I promised you.

I remember almost everything. 

The day I found your scar against your pale skin. It was fading, yes, but it was still visible. And I still am speechless. 

I mean, I didn't want to ask you, but why did you even do it? Why do it when you had everything? A great life, and a dad that cares so much about you....a bit too much, I suppose. 

The weather here is nice. Random, isn't it? There's nothing I can think of other than our memories. 

The memories that is holding my mind insane, and my heart beat racing at its highest number. That's what you do to me, you see. 

Just thinking about you makes me sad. I seriously miss you. 

Food doesn't taste the same. 

The air doesn't seem as fresh as it used to. 

The crumbling leaves around my yard is never fun to jump in unless you're here. 

I guess I'm ranting on and on here in this letter, but I just need you right now. I'm sorry. 

Hope you write back love. I love and miss you.



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