Chapter 5

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A/N Another update for you lovely people. Thank you for being here with me. xx

Dear Harry, 

Well, I guess it's over? 

We haven't talked. We haven't seen each other. We haven't texted either. And it's already been a month. 

I guess we can just say that you saw that note that I left you. I'm sorry if I left you broken like that. 

Well, all I can say is that I'm sorry. Sorry for hurting you like that. 

I've never felt anything when I'm around other guys. But with you, it's different. There's some sparks going. Fireworks that goes everywhere in my body when we touch. And the chills that you send through my spine. I'm going to miss that. 

If we ever see each other again, I hope we forget the bad times and just watch the good memories come back. I'd really like that, wouldn't you?

I'm moving in about a week. Everything is already packed. The whole house is now empty. It's really awkward just sleeping on the floor now! 

And why am I even bothering telling you that?! I'm sorry. I'm really out of things to even say. 

If you just wanted to know, I'm moving to London. 14313 Westshire Avenue, London. 

Please. I'd love it if you had any time or effort just to visit. Or even write back! I'd to hear back from you! 

And if there's any way you can forgive me for my insecurities and my fears, I'd love that. 

Hazza, I love you. It hurts me just to leave you like that. It hurts me to tell you that i love you, but by a letter. And it hurts me to feel your pain as much as I already feel. 

We might not even get the chance to see each other, but if we do, I'd like to start over. 

love you Harry. You'll be my Hazza. And I'll be your Melly. 

Yours truly,

Melissa Anderson 

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