Yunho- Proxy

533 23 38

"Y/N. I think it's time to show me your loyalty."

They were the last words your boss had spoken to you before asking you to drive to a specific address.

Your eyes widened as you stared, dumbfounded, at the engraved sign on the door.

'Marriage Counsellor: Dr. Lee Miyoung.'

Your mind started to race a hundred miles per second; trying to grasp the gravity of the situation and comprehending what exactly on earth your boss had thrown you into.

You were your boss' right hand and you had been working for her for ages. You had been there for her; supporting her and aiding her in both business and personal endeavours.

You really liked your boss; yes, at times she could have been a little pretentious and commanding, but weren't all superiors like that, anyways?

You really appreciated her because she had always trusted you and given you the opportunity to be upfront with your professional choices, which in retrospect, had helped you to achieve your desired position in the company.

You adored your job and everything was going really well for you, lately.

And maybe, that was why, life had decided to throw you a completely unexpected curveball.

You brought your hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration, as you now realized what all of this was about.

Your boss' marriage was in shambles; she hated her husband and he apparently hated her back, just as strongly. To her, divorce was long overdue, and all she wanted was to file for it. However; there was one problem, their parents. Both her and her husband's parents were tremendously conservative; they did not believe in divorce. Also, the fact that they were extremely powerful people, didn't help either.

They were forcing their respective children to get couple's counselling. They were convinced that they could have worked out their marriage, if they did so. They had contacted the best counsellor in the country and booked her for the couple's sessions; they surely had the connections to do that.

You heaved an exasperated sigh.

"What exactly does she want me to do?" You muttered to yourself, your eyebrows furrowing in distress.

You had turned around to walk away, giving up trying to understand any of it, when the door to the office was suddenly opened.

"Mrs. Jeong." A female voice called out making you stop in your tracks. "I am so happy that you decided to come."

You gulped as anxiousness started to spread all throughout your body. You slowly turned back around to face the woman.

You were expecting her expression to change into a disappointed one; upon realizing she had gotten the wrong person, but to your surprise, her bright smile remained implanted on her face. Did she, perhaps, not know what Mrs. Jeong looked like?

You were about to open your mouth to tell her she was mistaken, when you felt a hand being placed, firmly, on your shoulder. You snapped your head to the side, right away, to see a man standing next to you. 

He was tall, well-built and had dark chestnut coloured hair. Differently, to his manly body; his facial features made him look quite young. His eyes were almost puppy-like, his brown orbs reflected a sense of innocence which paired beautifully with his milky skin, his puffy cheeks were a bonus to his cozy charm.

You blinked a couple of times, your mouth, very slightly, agape. There was no way, he was your boss' husband... right?

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Lee. Me and my wife will be in your care, from today." His hand left your shoulder as he offered her a handshake.

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