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[picture above made by my friend Jupiter! if you see this ilysm jupiter :D]

anyway!!! letter time!!

SO WOW. It's over. It's actually over. I CANT WRAP MY HEAD AROUND THIS KHKDJFKSDJKJS. alexa play Sedona by Houndmouth bc I am feeling VERY good rn!!!!

I can't believe after like forever writing this, I'm FINALLY FINISHED WITH THIS FIC!!! It has been a RIDE but for everyone who's read it, thank you SO MUCH for sticking with this story and giving it support!! I know this probably took forever for you guys to read, so I hope you enjoyed this little journey with me lol. I've never had the patience to finish a fic or write one this long before, so I'm just in shock omg

This story has been the main thing I've been working on for years and I'm like really struggling to process that this is over haha. When I started this fic I didn't have much inspiration for it so I left it at one chapter for a really long time. (This was in 2017 by the way) and then I picked it back up like 2 years later, started posting a lot more, and BAM. HERE IT IS.

HUGE thank you in general to everyone who has read this story, especially people who actively commented! Seriously, I was only going to keep this story at one chapter until I actually started getting comments. Your comments fill my heart with absolute JOY (even if it IS saying you're gonna murder me (aka Alex/Charm LMAO). Your immense, endless support for my fic has meant soso much to me.

Some of you have reached out to me on other platforms, and I can't believe how sweet your messages have been. I feel like I've really come to know so many people in this fandom personally since I started this story, and I'm so glad to consider some of you my best friends <3 A few of you have even done fanart for my fic like?? WHAT?? that's insane and you guys are seriously incredible :D

Anyway, if you're reading this and have any questions, or just want to talk about story thieves/my fic/anything, just message me bc I would love to get to know you all! You guys are the best and I love you all to the MOON and back

Thanks for reading folks!!!

- Megan :]

[contact info—

Tumblr: @lanihaluki

Instagram: @lani.haluki]



Also, here is some STELLAR art i wanted to share that some of my friends have done of my fic!

Also, here is some STELLAR art i wanted to share that some of my friends have done of my fic!

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