Nothing is Forever

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A/N- lol I apologize for this chapter but I hope you like it!!! Grab tissues?? Maybe??

Runnin' (by Naughty Boy)

"Runnin', runnin', runnin'. Ain't runnin' from myself no more. Together we'll win it all . . ."


It didn't take long before Bethany, Gwen, and Orion found the pure possibility wall. It'd grown even larger over the past few days, stretching much closer to the vast forest than before. As usual, the white nothingness slowly was creeping forward, inch by inch, as it came closer and closer to reaching them.

They'd come to a cliffside. From the direction they'd been walking in, it was the closest they could get to reaching the pure possibility. Despite the white nothingness right before them — which was swallowing up the last remains of the ocean below the cliff — Bethany thought the landscape was nothing short of beautiful.

The wind was strong here, causing a force impactful enough that Bethany could've almost toppled over. A few drops of sea water peppered her face. Below their feet, the lush grass rippled, looking like an ocean on land. Her hair, which was woven into two braids, began loosening from the wind, causing red strands to fly into her face.

For a moment, she turned her palms towards the wind, loving the feeling of it. Closing her eyes, it felt like she could do anything. If it weren't for the pure possibility right in front of them, she would've enjoyed the moment a lot more. Standing on top of the cliff reminded her of the times Kiel had tried talking her into jumping off cliffs with him. Good thing she hadn't been crazy enough to go along with it!

For some reason, thinking of Kiel — that memory with him — gave her courage. She'd had to be courageous all the time lately, but it was getting harder to be that way, especially after going through her lowest point yesterday with her worst fear. Now that they were finally facing down the pure possibility, maybe it wouldn't be so hard. Even though she wasn't feeling very brave or optimistic right now.

Just like yesterday, dark clouds were gathering for unsettled weather, almost like an omen that something bad was about to happen. Everything about this place seemed more ominous now that Bethany knew what they were about to do. She suddenly realized just how far out they were, and the safety she'd previously felt back at the cabin faded away.

The danger they were putting themselves in was huge, and it was possible that they would get hurt. Or worse: being this close to the pure possibility, Gwen and Orion could disappear. Bethany didn't want that to happen. It was insane to face the pure possibility, but weren't insane ideas the ones that worked the best? Based on the stuff she'd seen Kiel do, Bethany hoped so. She'd thought of this plan on a whim, on a dash of impulsiveness, and now she just hoped it wouldn't fail.

"This is it," Bethany said, turning to look at Gwen, who stood at her right. "Gwen, do you have the stone ready?"

Gwen nodded, revealing the bright green stone that she was holding. Just looking at it made Bethany feel uneasy. It was a reminder of how vulnerable she was now, with being unable to use her powers. Their plan would have to work. If it didn't? Bethany didn't know what else they could try.

But then again, it was fictional. Their plan would work, Bethany told herself repeatedly. The stone couldn't be indestructible enough to not turn into pure possibility! Nothing fictional could. For once, she was glad that the possibility wall existed. Without it, they probably would've still been back in the forest, trying yet failing to destroy the stone with Kiel's spells.

"So, how are we getting it over there? Are we just going to throw it at the wall?" Gwen asked, walking to the very edge of the cliff. The pure possibility wall was close, but maybe not close enough for them to throw it that far.

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