Locked In

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A/N - THANK YOU FOR 2K READS!!!! I can't believe I've gotten this far into my fanfic and people are still reading it! Thank you all!

The Kids Aren't Alright (by Fall Out Boy)

"And in the end I'd do it all again. I think you're my best friend. Don't you know that the kids aren't all, kids aren't alright . . ."


Still a bit groggy from the bus ride and the events of the early morning, Kiel and Owen trailed behind Ms. Conners as they made their way to their hotel room, which would be their home for the next week or two. They were on the second floor, and the hallway had dozens of closed doors, each with a number on them. They reached the middle of the hallway, where the woman opened the door for them and left them with three cards.

Kiel was the first to go inside. Pushing past Owen in the doorway, he walked inside the room and was slightly disappointed to see two beds, a dresser, a closet, and a bathroom. Not much. Apparently, this hotel offered only what was necessary and not anything helpful or fun, like books that they could jump into.

"Put your things away," Ms. Conners said as she walked into the room, placing her backpack on a chair beside the window. "I guess we should follow that man's advice and go to the store."

"What about Spike and Bark Vadar?" Owen asked, peering into the bathroom.

"We'll keep them here."

"What?" he exclaimed. "But they've never been away from home before! What if they think we abandoned them?"

"Alphonse never missed me when I was away," Kiel said, earning a glare from Owen. Kiel gave a what? look in response, but his friend looked back at his mother.

"They won't think that. Don't worry about them," Ms. Conners said, running her hands through her hair. Her face was paler than usual. "They'll be safe here. Come on, let's get going before everyone gets to the store first. You boys ready?"

"I don't have any money with me, so I guess," Owen said, shrugging.

He unhooked Bark Vadar's leash, allowing the dog to happily walk over to Kiel, where he scratched her head. Meanwhile, Spike retreated to sit on the windowsill, his black hair gleaming in the sunlight. It was seven in the morning, so the sun was low in the horizon, offering enough light to see by.

Kiel glanced around for somewhere to put his spell book and wand-knives. He didn't like the idea of leaving them behind, especially because he'd never been here before, but he couldn't risk someone finding his belongings. He stuffed them underneath one of the beds, hoping that that would be a good place to put them.

He was about to follow Owen and his mother out the door when Owen reminded him of something. "Uh, you know that you're still wearing your cape, right?"

Of course he knew. Did he want to take it off? Definitely not. He'd barely been able to wear it when he was in the nonfictional world. He missed it! Kiel crossed his arms, ready to protest, but Ms. Conners beat him to it.

"I don't think you should wear that, honey," she said gently. "Everyone's on edge right now, and I'm afraid what would happen if they find out who you are."

"I get it," Kiel said, forcing a smile as he tried to brush away the small twinge of annoyance he felt. It had came on so suddenly, once the realization came to him, that he might be staying in this hotel for longer than he'd like.

Why couldn't they just fight the monsters and have some fun? Why did this "military" have to take control of that? Didn't they know who Kiel Gnomenfoot was? He could handle anything these monsters threw at him and more. A part of him wanted to take that military guy down, steal one of those buses, then spout off something snappy and daring as he drove away. Just so these people knew who they were dealing with.

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