Square One

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False Direction (by Dayglow)

"'Cause I gotta be somewhere soon. What am I doing here? Waiting on someone new in my reflection . . ."


"A comic book sale?" Bethany repeated, removing her backpack and throwing it in front of the passenger seat she was sitting on. "That's why we're not going straight home? Since when do you read comic books?"

Bethany's mother gave her a reprimanding look. "Don't give me that attitude. I've been reading them since . . . since I was younger. Our local library is having a sale with some really great deals. They're even selling regular books!"

Explaining to her mother why she had gotten sent to detention in the first place was as torturous as actually being there. She'd never been until this afternoon, but she always heard stories about the teacher falling asleep. This wasn't the case, because the teacher was wide awake; he forced the students to do absolutely nothing — not even homework. So for an hour, maybe longer, Bethany sat in the classroom with five other high schoolers, trying to daydream. She couldn't remember the last time she'd daydreamed, and it was difficult to lose herself in thoughts of fantasy.

It was even worse because Kiel was there, and his presence made everything awkward. After confronting him about his lie, Bethany felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She had been nervous throughout the whole ordeal, but at least it was done, and she could officially have a reason for not wanting to be his friend anymore. She was still mad at him, of course. Okay, maybe not mad. But she felt something along those lines.

Bethany was glad when he didn't talk to her much and instead doodled some drawings of wizards and spaceships on a piece of scrap paper. Bethany had tried with all her willpower to avoid looking at him or his drawings, but it was hard considering she had nothing else to do.

Much to Bethany's relief, her mother didn't go as hard on her as she had anticipated. Upon entering the car, she sat through a five minute lecture, but her mother seemed surprisingly less mad than she normally would've been. All things considered, there was the fact that tomorrow was the start of winter break. Tomorrow was also Christmas Eve, which was also why her mother felt the dire need to attend a comic book sale at their local library.

"What comics are we getting, anyway?" Bethany questioned, glancing out the window at the houses that dashed past.

Her mother flipped on the left turn signal and put her foot on the brake, indicating they were about to make a turn. They both stared at the other lane of traffic, waiting for the long line to go past. After several seconds of waiting, her mother hesitantly turned back to her. "I was thinking about getting a . . . Doc Twilight comic." She continued warily looking at Bethany, reading her expression, but Bethany was only confused.

"Didn't those come out in the 80s?" Bethany asked. "Why would you want an old comic?"

"Because they're classics, Beth. They aren't old." A car beeped at them, and Bethany's mother quickly turned into the library's parking lot. The parking lot was more crowded than usual, considering that the book sale was today. It took several minutes before they found a decent parking spot.

"I also thought I'd say hello to Ms. Conners," Bethany's mother said as she opened the door and stepped outside. "Remember her? Owen's mom."

Bethany nodded, shivering at the cold air that seeped into her skin. She didn't know why everyone acted as if her and Owen used to be friends. They weren't! However, it was common knowledge that Owen's mother worked at the library down the street.

Before getting out of the car, Bethany took out Pick The Plot from her backpack and tucked it under her arm. Knowing her mother and the amount of time she spent at shopping malls, this book sale wouldn't be any different.

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