Fowen's Plan

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I Know Places (by Taylor Swift)

"Baby, I know places we won't be found, and they'll be chasing their tails tryin' to track us down. 'Cause I, I know places we can hide, I know places . . ."


Bethany was certain that they'd had everything under control. But that certainty didn't last very long. As soon as Kiel's location spell had failed to find Nobody, shock — quickly replaced by determination and irritation — had went through her. She had expected it to work. She'd been mentally preparing herself for their fight with Nobody, trying to feel hopeful that they'd defeat him. It was hard to, especially when Nobody had already captured her father.

Internally, she'd been worrying over every little thing that could happen to her, her father, and her friends. Bethany had tried to be careful to keep her friends safe, but time and time again, they kept falling into danger. A part of her enjoyed the fights and the adventure, but the other part grew increasingly worried.

She knew that she couldn't let her worries hold her back. A few years ago, back when she was jumping into books, she'd always held herself back, afraid that her father could never be found. But she knew where he was now. Her father was with Nobody. Wherever that was, he was surely suffering. Saving him was the most important thing to her. If she lost him again . . . she wouldn't know what to do. The idea only made her worry more.

It wasn't uncommon for her to worry. She had no idea what would happen when they found Nobody, and that freaked her out. They'd made up a decent plan, though, which made Bethany feel a bit better about things. If they had a plan, the whole thing felt more controllable. Almost like they'd win this fight against Nobody.

But once Fowen, Owen's fictional self, walked into the room, Bethany knew that nothing was under control.

"Fowen?!" Bethany, Owen, and Kiel shouted at the same time, sharing equal looks of surprise.

"Don't act so surprised," Fowen said.

"Owen, I didn't know you had a brother!" Gwen said.

Kiel shook his head, not taking his eyes off of Fowen. "That's not his brother."

"Oh, great." Charm glared at Owen. "So Owen has a clone, too." Then, in a hushed tone, she muttered, "How many of him will I have to deal with?"

"He's not my—" Owen sighed. "That's Fowen, my fictional twin." He turned back to Fowen, a look of disgust on his face. "Are you kidding me? You? Again?"

"Yes, me," Fowen said, rolling his eyes. "I'm not happy to see you either, by the way. You shouldn't be complaining about me."

"Oh, really? And why's that?"

"Because I'm going to do you a favor—"

He had the nerve to show up here and say he was doing them a favor? Was he kidding? After everything that had gone down, with Fowen attempting to steal Owen's story, almost drowning Bethany, and causing Kiel to lose his magic . . . he expected them to listen to him. That would never happen, not in a million years.

"A favor?!" Bethany scoffed. "We don't want any favors from you!"

"Hey! You'll be thanking me once you know what my favor is. I know how to—"

Before Bethany knew it, she was moving towards him. Once he realized she was coming for him, Fowen quickly backed away, but Bethany was faster. She grabbed him by the shirt, then ripped the Twilight staff from his hands. She tossed it behind her, where Orion caught it easily.

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