Catch You On The Flipside

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I actually didn't realize this was chapter 50 until I posted but omg. This is so insane & I can't believe I've reached this many chapters!! I never would've imagined reaching this many chapters but now I'm like?? how many chapters will I be at when I'm finally done?? who knows!!

Also I wrote this while being super stressed bc online school HAHA but since school ends in basically 2 weeks, I'll hopefully be able to write a lot more then.

Hope u guys enjoy!

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Not Your Summer (by The Academic)

"Maybe it's not your summer. Maybe it's not your year. Maybe it's not as easy for you to walk away and disappear . . ."


The next morning came like a warm welcome to anyone who hadn't been unfairly brainwashed the day before. Or, in Bethany's case, it was the opposite. She had been brainwashed the day before, and since she still was, the morning only brought her excitement.

It was the sound of a bell that woke her from her sleep, and she didn't even feel grumpy about it like she normally would. As the other girls started to wake, Bethany pushed herself up to sit against her pillows. Already, things were perfect and peaceful. Birds sang from outside, louder than ever. The sun blazed outside the window, scorching the grass and simmering the summer camp in a haze.

Bethany couldn't help looking forward to what today would bring. Her heart yearned for adventure, for anything remotely thrill-seeking. Would she earn some badges? Climb a tree? Go camping? The thought of it was enough to set her heart racing with excitement. This day would be awesome.

She'd only even awake for about ten seconds before the loudspeaker clicked on, and the camp director shouted, "Rise and shine, everyone! It's going to be a beautiful day!"

No one groaned, frowned, or even complained. From where she sat on the top bunk, Bethany noticed every single one of the girls grinning. Her included. Was there a better way to start today? She could try imagining one, but she was sure she wouldn't come up with anything.

"Alright, girls!" said a camp counselor in their cabin, an upbeat woman named Katie. "Let's get out of bed and get ready for breakfast!"

Every cabin in the summer camp had to have a camp counselor sleep there as well, to chaperone the campers. Bethany didn't mind. She actually felt safer with the camp counselor in the cabin, guiding the girls around and instructing them on what activities they could do.

After changing into her Girl Scout uniform, Bethany joined the other girls at the door. Katie, the camp counselor, had set up a schedule that morning. They'd eat breakfast, go horse back-riding, paint banners, have lunch, play kickball, sell Girl Scout cookies, and eat dinner. After all that, they'd sing around the campfire. And then they'd go to sleep.

Bethany liked having the schedule. It filled her with a type of certainty, knowing everything was planned out. Following the rules, sticking by them through everything — it was her thing. Of course, there might be times where they'd have activities she didn't want to do, but for now that'd never been the case.

And the summer camp didn't just have that. It had even more activities piled up, a different schedule for each day. They had things here like swimming, gaga ball, arts and crafts, rock climbing, canoeing, dodgeball, softball, volleyball, and even capture the flag. It was impossible to get bored here.

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