Chapter 33

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Demi's POV

When I got back to the hospital, my family decided to go home. Maddie still had to go to school, and everyone had jobs. They assured me that it was going to be okay. They all gave Emma big hugs before catching a plane back home.


Emma's POV

I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back," mom said. I nodded, then she left. I haven't felt like talking for a while. Even if I wanted to, I felt like I couldn't. I always felt tired. I was strong, though. I had to stay strong, for mom. I had to fight, for mom. I could tell she was worried, even though she tried to hide it. After a few moments of her being gone, an all too familiar man showed up in my door frame. I froze, too scared to even breath.

"There she is," he said softly. He slowly walked over to me and sat on the bed. I went stiff. He brought his hand up, and I flinched at his movement. "Come on, don't be scared of me. I'm your father." He had a smirk on his face. I didn't say anything. I just stared at him. "I heard you were sick." Again, I only stared. "A kiss can make it better. It always does, doesn't it?" I barely shook my head. I didn't like his kisses, only mom could. He brought his face down to mine, and I turned my head. He brought his face back up. "Listen, you are my daughter, and you will do as I say."

"She is not your daughter," I heard someone say.

"Mommy," I managed to choke out as I reached my arms towards her. She ran to my side, making 'dad' stand up. I didn't realize that I was shaking until Mom pulled me in close.

"What do you mean she's not my daughter? I am her dad!"

"No!" she snapped. "You are not her dad. You may be a father biologically, but you are definitely not her dad. She shouldn't be scared of her dad. She should trust her dad. You're just a sick man that takes his problems out on little girls who can't fight back." It felt good to have someone stick up for me.

"Emma, you love me, right?" He asked innocently with his arms open. He had a look in his eyes that was threatening.

"No," I mumbled out. For once, I wasn't terrified to tell him what he didn't want to hear. I had mommy beside me, and she could protect me. She promised, and she never broke a promise. Ever. At my answer, his smile disappeared and his arms lowered.

"What was that?" He growled.

"I think you should go," mom said.

"You say I'm not her dad, but you are not her mom, either!" He snapped.

"I am," Mom began, but she was cut off.

"No! Emma has no mother. She won't have another one. Her mother died. She didn't care about her anyway."

"Well, I do," mom argued back. "And I am her mom. Not biologically, but that does not matter. I am here for her. I love her like she's my daughter, and that is simply because she IS my daughter. And nothing will change that."

"You really think this woman cares about you?" The man snapped.

"Yes," I said without hesitation. It hurt my head to talk, but I did anyway.

He chuckled. "How stupid. If she loved you, why are you in the position you are now? Huh? Why are you dying?" I felt my eyes start to water. I knew this wasn't mommy's fault. "Just hurry up and die. You'll stop wasting people's time." That stung.

"Leave!" Mommy yelled. She hit a button by the bed that calls in the doctor. Seconds later, the doctor came in. "This man needs to leave," she said calmly while glaring at dad. He huffed while being escorted out of the room. Mom turned around to face me again. Now, I was silently crying.

"I knew it," I whispered while crying.

"Oh, honey," Mommy started.

"I knew it," I said again, this time in a regular voice.

She sat down on the bed beside me. "Knew what?" She asked with sorrow and worry in her voice.

"He got uglier. I knew he'd get uglier," I said with a smirk. Mommy laughed at my response, and I did, too.

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