Chapter 27

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Demi's POV

"So was there really something bothering you?" I asked, walking with Emma back to the living room.

"It's just," she started, "is there going to be a lot of people there?" I could hear the nervousness in her voice.

"Yes, but you'll be with me, Sel, my mom, and my sisters. We'll take care of you. You have nothing to worry about." She nodded. "You'll run in to a lot of people in life. You can't hide from them. You just have to know that not everyone is mean. It's hard to trust sometimes, but you can do it," I encouraged her. She stared at me and smiled. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing with her various toys. After dinner, she wanted to draw, so I sat next to her on the couch and watched my favorite TV shows that weren't to violent or had too much language.

"Look, mommy," Emma said. I smiled at her choice of words. I looked over at her see her holding up her notebook with a rose on it. She drew so well for her age. I was surprised when she showed me. She had never let me see her drawings before.

"That's beautiful, sweetie," I said. She smiled, putting down her notebook and pencil, then snuggling into me. "Did you want to watch something else?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No, I don't care what we watch." I held her until; she fell asleep, then carried her to her room.

Emma's POV

I listened to my dad and Rob talk. It sounded like they were right outside my door. I sat against my door so I could hear everything.

"No." That was Rob talking. I'd never seen him before, but I knew his voice.

"She's my daughter, I can do what I want," my dad responded.

"She's worth more a virgin," Rob said. What did that mean?

"So I sacrifice?"

"You do everything else with her. It's like training."

"It's not good enough."

"Do you want the full price, or not?" That was the last thing I heard Rob say before I heard foot steps. I backed away from the door. There was no use in hiding. My dad opened the door and came in, but the other man didn't. My did what he always does, with me in my top and shorts. Nothing new happened. But I guess he was still mad. All of a sudden, he swung punches and kicks at me, and I couldn't get away.

I woke up, curled into a ball, tears streaming down my face, and out of breath. Nothing was happening. I'm okay. I'm still with Demi. I couldn't shake the memory of that night out of my head, though. I hate when this happens. It was in the past, so why do all the memories still bother me? I silently cried until my body couldn't stay awake anymore.

Short, but I have the ending to this book, and a lot happens to get there. This is pretty much just a short filler chapter.

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