Chapter 28

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Demi's POV

I felt a soft poke on my face, causing me to wake up. As I opened my eyes, I noticed Emma sitting on top of me, looking down at me with excitement. "Disney Land, Mommy!" She calls out. It's what she's been talking about for the past few days, and it's finally time to go. I smiled at her choice of words. Mommy. I still can't get over it. Ever since that night she called me Mommy for the first time, she hasn't called me Demi again.

"That's right, baby."

"When do we leave?"

"We have to leave the house about eight o'clock," I answer. She points to the clock. It was 7:53. Oh crap! I quickly sit up and scurry out of bed. "Go get dressed, we have to leave!" She jumps off the bed and runs to her room. Luckily, we packed everything last night. I throw on some black jeans and a plain white t-shirt, then slip on my new sketchers tennis shoes. I've been doing a lot of advertising for them. I even got Emma a few pair. I throw my hair up in a messy bun, and bring all of my bags out to the front door.

"Mommy, can you braid my hair?" Emma asks on her way to the front door with her bags. She was wearing her new sketchers, also.

"When we get in the car, honey. The driver's already waiting." I arranged a car to take us there so I wouldn't have to leave my car at the airport. I grab Emma hand and my bags in my other hand. She carries her bags with her free hand. I speed walk to the car that's waiting. Once we get settled, the car starts driving to Selena's house. "How do you want it?" I asked, grabbing the ponytail holder she had been holding.

"French braid," she says. I position both of us so I could braid her hair while still buckled. I finished a little before we get to Selena's house.

"Thanks," Emma says as I give her head a finishing pat. Selena climbs into the car, overly excited. She sits on the other side of Emma, so my daughter is sitting in the middle. 

"Demi, I am so excited!" Selena says.

"We all are," I say with a chuckle. She's such a child sometimes. Emma and Selena talked the whole way to the airport about how great this was going to be. Once at the airport, we loaded our luggage onto the luggage belt. "Did you eat?" I asked Selena.

"Yeah," she says.

"Okay, Emma what do you want to eat?" I ask.

"You didn't eat?" Selena asks confused. I usually don't like getting food at the airport, so it surprise her.

"We had seven minutes to get ready," I explained as I led Emma to wear she was pointing at: McDonald's. I order our food, then we boarded the plane. It was three seats a row, so Emma sat between us. We ate as people filled in. Soon enough, the plane took off. Most of the flight, Emma drew in her notebook. I loved seeing her creations, and so did Selena.

When we got off the plane, we were greeted by my family. They had come to California the day before us so they could be there when we came. I was immediately attacked with a hug from Maddie. "Hey, baby sis," I said laughing. Next, I was hugged by Dallas. "And older sis." Next was my mom. "And mom." I finally finished hugging everyone, then noticed Emma silently hiding behind my legs. "Oh, everyone, this is Emma. Emma, this is Maddie, Dallas, and my mom," I said, pointing to the people as I said their names.

"Oh, I finally see my grandbaby," my mom says.

"Give them hugs, Emma, they're so happy to meet you," I encouraged. Emma slowly came out from behind my legs and gave everyone hugs. They weren't stiff, uncomfortable hugs, which was a great thing.

"When are we going to Disney Land?" Emma asks me in a whisper.

"Right now," I say, looking back up at my family. We all walk out to my mom's car. We squeezed in, Emma being the smallest, so I sat her on my lap. Illegal? Maybe. Dangerous? I had her in my arms, nothing bad would happen to her with me. Dallas rode up front beside my mom, and Maddie sat between Selena and I. We sat cramped the whole way, which, luckily, wasn't too far. Once we scrambled out of the car, I saw Emma's eyes light up. "See that castle?" I asked Emma, pointing at the big castle. She nodded her head. "We get to sleep in that."

"Really?" She asks, bouncing up and down. I nod, matching her excitement. We check into the park, then carry all of our bags to the castle. We were assigned a room big enough for all six of us. We rode the elevator on the way up to our floor.

"I'll race ya," my thirteen-year-old sister says to Emma, who giggles in response. As soon as the elevator door opens, the two kiddos take off running. I prayed they wouldn't knock into anyone, or anything.

"I won!" Emma cheers as she makes it to the door first. I knew Maddie let her win, we all did, except for Emma, but that was okay. We opened the door, and our jaws dropped in awww. Yeah, my house was big, but it was something about this that just seemed so magical. Oh no, I'm becoming a kid again. Everyone claimed their beds by dropping their bags on them. There were two beds in each of the three bedrooms. Maddie and Emma shared a room, to my surprise. Dallas and my mom shared a room, and I shared a room with Selena.

"No snoring," Selena jokes as she points a finger towards me. I laugh and meet the rest of my family by the door.

I clap my hands together. "Okay, what's first?"

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