Chapter 25

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Demi's POV

"Demi!" I jumped out of bed at the sound of the scream. "Demi!" It called again. I rushed into Emma's room, and saw her eyes shut tight as she cried. I gently placed my hands on her face.

"Emma!" I yelled over her screams.

"Come back!" she called out.

I gently shook her shoulders. "Emma!" I called again. Her eyes shot open and she stared at me before jumping on to me.

"Don't go," she said, still crying. I held her tight.

"I'm right here. It's okay, I'm right here," I whispered in her ear. "It was just a dream." She cried into me until her sobs turned to hiccups. "Talk to me," I said, bringing her head up gently with my hand.

She sniffled before answering. "You gave me back to him, Demi."


"My dad. You gave me back to my dad." She choked out before returning to her sobs. I felt tears form inn my eyes at her words and I drew her even closer to me.

"Baby, I would never ever give you back to him. I wouldn't give you to anyone, but especially not him. You don't have to worry about that." I felt her nod as my hand stroked through her hair. I could feel her little hands wrapped up in my shirt, and I decided to carry her to my own bed. I laid down with Emma still attached to me. When she felt my lay down, she snuggled into me more. I knew what she liked when this happened, so I started to sing, softer than what the original song sounded like.

"Don't want to break your heart,

Wanna give your heart a break,

I know your scared it's wrong,

Like you might make a mistake,

There's just one life to live,

And there's no time to wait,

So let me give your heart a break,

'Cause you've been hurt before,

I can see it in your eyes,

You try to hide it away,

Somethings, you can't disguise,

Don't wanna break your heart,

Baby, I can ease the ache, the ache,

So let me give your heart a break."

I sang the song like it was a lullaby. I felt as Emma's body relax, and her breathing evened out. I kissed the top of her head before closing my eyes, and eventually falling asleep.


I woke up to the sound of humming. Emma was humming the melody to the song I sang to her last night. I kept my eyes closed, pretending I was asleep, until she stopped. I opened my eyes and smiled at the little girl curled up into me. "Morning, baby," I whispered. She looked up at me and smiled. I loved her smile. It got bigger and bigger as she trusted me more and more.

"Sorry about last night," she mumbled.

I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and out of her face. "Don't be," I replied. Just then, my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hey Demi!" I heard Selena say through the phone.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I was just wondering if we could get lunch or something today. I miss the kid."

"Just the kid?"

"Pretty much," she replied jokingly.

I rolled my eyes, even though I knew she couldn't see me. "Hang on, let me ask Emma," I said, bringing the phone down and covering the speaker with my hand. "Want to get together with Selena today?" I asked Emma, who immediately smiled and nodded. I put the phone back up to my ear. "Sounds good. When and where?"

"My place, whenever."

"You cooked?"

She scoffed. "No, but I can order something. I don't feel like going out."

"So you expect us to come to you?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

I shook my head and looked at the clock. It was already 11:15. "Okay, we'll be there around twelve thirty."

"So you better start getting out of bed."

"How did you know I was still in bed?"

"Seriously, Demi? I should know these things by now." That was the last thing Selena said before hanging up.

I put down the phone and turned my attention back to Emma. "Let's start getting ready," I said, sitting up then poking Emma's stomach. She giggled in return and sat herself up.

My Sweet Girl (Demi Lovato Adoption COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now