Chapter 31

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Demi's POV

"Ms. Lovato, your daughter has a very rare type of leukemia," the doctor said.

"What?" I asked confused. Then it hit me. "What?!"

"I'm sorry."

But she'll be okay, right?" I asked as tears formed in my eyes. "Tell me she'll be okay."

His face was full of sympathy. "It doesn't look good. The leukemia is in its late stages. Even if we caught it early, the sickness has a very low survival percentage."

"What do I need to do to keep her alive? What gives her the best chance of living?" I was in hysterics.

"Well, we can't promise anything, but chemo therapy and radiation gives her a bigger chance of overcoming it."

What am I supposed to do? I knew how hard chemo and radiation was on people, and her being so small and fragile, that could kill her sooner than the sickness. On the other hand, it's my only hope to keep her alive. I was stuck.

"I'll give you time to think it over." The doctor put a hand on my shoulder. "I know this is hard, I'm sorry." As he left, I slumped on to the wall, letting myself slide down to the floor. I cried my eyes out. I cried and cried until I couldn't anymore. The tears left, but the pain remained. I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Seeing my red and puffy eyes made my lip start trembling again. I refused to cry because I needed to go see Emma. I didn't want her to see me crying. I wanted to hide all fear and stress from her. I washed my face and went back to Emma's room. I saw her sleeping. She's such a still sleeper, never tossing or turning unless she was having a bad dream. After everything she had gone through in her past, she's going to have to go through this as well. I sat down on the bed beside her, and she started to move, fluttering her eyes open.

"Hi, mommy," she said with a soft smile, obviously still tired.

"Hey, sweetie," I said, trying to match her smile.

"Have you been crying?" She asked as she touched my cheek. I guess I didn't give enough time for my eyes to stop being red.

I smiled and pulled her hand down from my face, placing it in my hands. I ignored her previous question. "Honey, some results have come back, and it's not like we hoped." Her features contorted into a confused face. "You have to be brave with me here, okay?" She nodded, keeping silent. "Emma, you have a sickness called leukemia."

"Can't they just give me medicine?"

"Well, it's not like other sicknesses. Last time, medicine worked, but this will take more than just that." Her face told me she was waiting for me to continue. "They'll have to do some things to try and cure it, but it might make you feel worse. But it everything goes right, it could get a lot better."

"What if it doesn't go right?" I could feel new tears start to form in my eyes, and I tried my best to keep them hidden. "Am I going to be okay?" She asked.

"Emma, if we do these procedures, you have a chance of overcoming, but it'll take a while. If we don't do these, it doesn't look good. So I'm giving you the choice. Do you want to try the cure without a sure answer, or do you want to skip those and know what's coming?"

She thought for a minute. "There's a chance of living with the cures?"

"Yes, but it's going to be long and painful."

"i want to live, mommy," she said, starting to get choked up on her words. "I want that chance."

I nodded and smiled. "Okay." I heard the doctor come through the door.

"Do we know what we can schedule?" He asked. Obviously, he's been through a lot of these situations. I nodded and followed him out of the door. We talked about what would be happening, and when it would be happening. The first chemo treatment was really soon: the next day. I occasionally nodded, just so he'd know that I was listening to him. "She's going to want a lot of rest," he said as I poked my head into the room with my sleeping little girl. I nodded and went out to the lobby. I didn't want to leave her here by herself, especially not on the first night. I decided to call my family, who were still at Disney Land.

"Demi!" I heard a voice call through the phone. It was my mom. "Hold on, I'm going to put you on speaker phone. Girls, Demi's calling? Okay, we're all here."

"How is she?" I heard Dallas ask.

"Well, the doctor has concluded that she has leukemia." I said, choking down my tears. All I heard was silence on the other end.

"Is she going to be okay?" I heard Maddie ask in a shaky voice.

"I wish I knew," I said in my now weak voice. I took a deep breath before continuing. "We're going to stat chemo and radiation."

"She's only seven," my mom said in disbelief.

"It's the only way she has a chance. I let her choose, the decision was too hard for me."

"Keep us updated, Demi. We all love you. We'll come first thing in the morning."

"Okay," I choked out. I knew they were leaving Disney Land early, but I needed someone with me. I hung up and let the tears fall again.

My Sweet Girl (Demi Lovato Adoption COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now