Chapter 5

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We sat at the dining room table as the rest got really into the bit. Dream stood in front of the table that the rest of us sat at, book in hand. Though I'm pretty sure that was a random book from the shelves, not even non-fiction. He put on a suit jacket over his hoodie and had a tie around his neck and hood, not even tied correctly.

¨So, you weren't part of the first events, you came around the same time as Fundy. So, we can describe those more.¨ Dream stated. We all nodded and he motioned to Sapnap. ¨First, we can talk about you and Tommy's early incident.¨ Sapnap nodded. ¨So, Sapnap was having conflict with Ponk and Alyssa, you'll meet them eventually. When Tommy moved here Sapnap made  an alliance with him to help fight them.¨

¨During a battle, I went to intercept. They still put Ponk out of commission. (No death and respawn here) I guess that made them feel confident because they went after me next. They easily ambushed me because I only had iron armor.¨ Next to me Sapnap scratched at his neck, embarrassed. ¨While Tommy was gloating, I recovered and took his most prized possessions. His music discs, Cat and Mellohi.¨

¨I just wanted an apology from Tommy, but while we were negotiating Sapnap took one of the discs back and Tommy hid it underground. He and Sapnap had a full on fight with me and ended up getting the other back. He hid them in a mountain near his base, thinking they'd be safe. Spoiler alert, they weren't.¨ At this I cracked a smile.

¨I dug out the land around his base until I found them. I kept them and even threatened to burn them unless he gave me his netherite chestplate. After he and Tubbo try to fight me and they lose twice, Tommy tries to give me an ultimatum, with no leverage to his name.¨

¨After a Pizza Hut date with Wilbur, a story for another time, I played one of his discs in front of him. This started a trend of Tommy and Tubbo repeatedly stealing a disc back and me hunting them down for it. Once they even thought they successfully recovered one, but no. Once they checked their bags, they realized it was still in my hands. ¨

¨I eventually got bored of this and began burning fake discs right in front of Tommy, just to see what he'd do. He agreed to a trade, which we both faked out the other. I gave him fake discs and he took back the chestplate before I could get it. He and Tubbo got frustrated and found my underground base. They couldn't find the discs there, so they took my diamonds.¨

¨He then tried to trade the diamonds for the discs, but I still just wanted the chestplate. He declined. Then I said he could keep the diamonds and get the discs back and he agreed. But then he realized they would never be safe, and that he'd need a special type of chest, an ender chest, to truly keep them safe.¨

¨He had to race to get the materials for one while I was chasing him, so Tubbo was helping hold me off. He got half from Punz, another new person, and mined for the rest. He didn't get all he'd need but Tubbo said he has some at his home. They managed to make one and he didn't have anything on him when I put him out of commission.¨

With those events over, he took a deep breath. ¨Now here's where we get veage.¨ He looked me right in the eyes and I nodded. ¨Now, remember how I said Tommy moved here? Well, more like woke up here with little to no recollection of his past life. That has happened to everyone here, even you. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo and others wanted to split off from our nation and create their own, L'manberg. They built walls and everything. Fundy woke up inside those walls and Wilbur took him in calling him his son.¨

¨Now you woke up somewhere else, no one really knows to this date. But you stumbled across Fundy first I believe. None of us really know exactly what happened next, but you didn't participate in any battles. It's like they hid you for some unknown reason. But when me and Tommy had that duel you dreamt about, you snuck out. Wilbur found you following them, but only after we all saw you. You explained yourself then stood next to Wilbur to watch.¨

¨Tommy lost the duel and gave up his discs for independence. And after that we didn't see you for a while. Tommy ended up getting all but 1 of his discs back, he still is missing 1. But when the elections for the leader of L'manberg arised, because Wilbur realized he basically just declared himself president, you emerged once again. It didn't seem like you fully supported any party in particular. You told POG2020 you hoped they won because Wilbur so-far has been a great president. You told SWAG2020 that it'd be interesting if they won and that you needed to hangout more. You had lots of fun with and even helped COCONUT2020. And you even wished SCHLATT2020 good luck.¨

¨Though POG technically won the vote, SWAG and SCHLATT pooled their votes, getting 1% more than POG. Meaning they had won. Schlatt became president with Quackity as his vice. His first decree was that Wilbur and Tommy be banished. He specifically appointed you and kept Tubbo as secretary of state. You were made his personal advisor. Whether it be for war plans or just plans for what he renamed Manberg.¨

¨You took it all with a smile, seemingly not acknowledging that your friends had all left you. I was supporting what Wilbur and Tomy created, Pogtopia, from the shadows and found out you only started helping them a few weeks before the festival. None of us know what happened in Manberg or Pogtopia, you'd have to ask them. But next thing you know the incident that left you like this happened.¨

He closed the book and like that the lesson was over. He shrugged off the suit jacket and untied the tie. ¨Any questions?¨ he asked, looking at me. My brain was just trying to process all the information, so I numbly shook my head no. ¨I'm tired guys, I'm gonna head to bed.¨ I told them. They all nodded, though I saw some looks of pity. Skeppy this time picked me up and I was out before I even touched the mattress

The Glue That Held Them Together (DreamSMP x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now