Chapter 29

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(A/N: Sorry if you hate author notes, skip if you want. I genuinely took a week to write anything after the first 6 paragraphs because of not being able to focus and just couldn't for a while. I'm sorry if the ending is shit and there will probably be a small timeskip of a few days with a recap in the beginning of chapter 30. Sorry again.)

(Y/N)'s POV-

My head is fuzzy. I sat up and for the first time in so long, I didn't feel any chains on my wrists. I hesitantly open my eyes and actually see light. I try to rub my eyes but there's something in the way, a mask. I feel someone rubbing my back and look behind me to see Bad rubbing my back, smile on his face. "I'm glad you're up. Do you perhaps like the egg now?" I raise my brow then look at what we're leaning against, a large red egg with a metallic smell and vines.

I don't remember the egg, a lot of my memories are fuzzy, but I nod anyways. The egg is nice, I feel empty but the egg seems to call to me. The egg makes a noise in it's language, but I know what it's saying. Bad brightens next to me as it says what translates to, "I've freed you, now I'll fix you." I feel silly but I give the egg a hug, Bad claps next to me. "Yay! We're gonna have so much fun together. You, me and whoever else sees the beauty off the egg." I numbly nod and go to stand up.

Phil, where's Phil? I need to see him. I walk by Bad and he claps me on the shoulder and says goodbye. I wave to him and continue on my way. My memories are fuzzy and my legs are numb but I keep moving. Phil, the last coherent thought I'd had was "Where is Phil?". The rest up until now is events that didn't happen to me but did, something with obsidian, snow and Dream. Then I remember darkness, cold darkness. I was chained but could move in different ways. I remember seeing Ranboo and having a gift brought to him, I remember hoping for my freedom if I showed someone my sins. But other than that, cold darkness and never ending exhaustion without reprieve.

I found L'manberg finally. The openness of the community I swore had obsidian. Someone flying over the top and someone else tackling them down. I shake my head at the weird "Flashback". I see Phil's house and tread my way up the stairs. Before I know it I've rapt the door and hear motion from the inside. Phil opens the door and his grin turns to a grimace.

"Look Nightmare." He starts as I walk past him and plop down on the couch. "I've stayed out of my son's life as you'd oh so kindly asked." His glare is set on me and I numbly pull something off of my face, a frown mask I had only seen outside of "Flashbacks" once before. He seems confused before I look up, into his eyes trying to spark something within my soul with just a sense of veage connection.

His eyes widen and tears come to his eyes. "(Y/N)?" He says in a hopeful manner. I nod my head and my head settles back down towards the floor. His arms wrap around me and I lean into his touch, feeling a warmth I haven't felt in so so long. But still, it isn't enough.

He notices that I don't recuperate his hug and pulls back. He looks at me with a sad look. "What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy to be back." I sigh and look up at him. "No, I'm not feeling much of anything. I'm back, but I don't know how. I don't really remember anything, what I do is fuzzy and I have these weird flashbacks of doing things that I know i didn't do. It's confusing, all I feel is confused and empty and I don't know why anything is happening anymore." I just rambled on and on, voicing my confusion at the situation. I don't know how much time has gone by since I came home that fateful night with Ghostbur but I feel as lost as ever.

He sighs and sits down besides me. "I don't know how to help you, I don't think anyone can. But I can try, starting with getting you out of those clothes and hopefully getting your things from Eret as soon as I can." I nod, I don't know what things I have there or if they're even mine or just the girl who took over my body's. But it doesn't matter, not yet at least. I nod and Philza guides me upstairs into my room which is now empty. "I'm sorry, Nightmare had your stuff removed and I didn't know if you'd ever be back." I nod, I can always get new things. Like a plant, plant with vines. The thought of this plant stirs something in me.
Phil gives me one of his hoodies to sleep in and it reaches my knees, but it works for now since my clothes are gone and Phil wanted me out of the other ones, though I put them in the closet. He gives me a hug and a forehead kiss before he bid me goodnight. I climb under the covers and settle into a dream, or should I say a Nightmare :( .

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