Chapter 13

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(Y/N)'s POV-

I wake up to Phil shaking my shoulders. ¨It's getting late now, time to wake up.¨ I yawn and stretch as I regard Phil. He might have been the best thing to happen to me that I can remember, he really does treat me like one of his own children. Once he sees that I'm not just shaking him off and trying to go back to sleep he backs off. ¨Come down stairs after your shower, I've got some info for ya.¨ He said. I nodded, still blurry-eyed, and he shut the door.

I got up and got some clothes from the closet. I went into the bathroom and started my shower. I checked my communicator for any messages and just found one from Wilbur. ¨I wrote a book if you wanna read it. And I can give you some blue too.¨ It read. I typed back, ¨I'll come over in a bit, Dadza wants something. I don't know what though.¨ as I stepped into the shower.

Afterward when I got out I checked it again. ¨Ok, just try to before the end of the day.¨ Wilbur wrote. I smiled at his concern, I replied. ¨I'll try my hardest.¨ I put on the outfit I grabbed earlier before making my way downstairs. I saw Phil sitting in the kitchen, just drinking some coffee. He looked to the stairs and smiled at me as I smiled back.

I sat down across from as he passed me my breakfast. ¨So, what's up?¨ I asked before I took my first bite. ¨The boy we found, who we now know is Connor, woke up last night and Tommy showed him around. He's either staying with Tommy or in that area as far as I know.¨ I nodded. It sounded like he was settling in nicely so far. ¨The girl, not so much. We found her over 12 hours ago and she's still out. Eret's coming to watch her because she's technically his charge.¨

That is strange. I hadn't experienced any of these that I know of, so I'm not sure if that's unusual. Phil wouldn't know either, so when Eret gets here I'll ask him. Speaking of Eret, I heard the door open and the man himself walked over to us. ¨I'm here to watch her.¨ He said as Phil nodded. I cleared my throat before turning to them.

¨I have a question.¨ He looked at me, a smirk still on his face. ¨Shoot.¨ He replied. ¨Is her being asleep for over 12 hours normal?¨ He seemed to think for a moment before he replied. ¨It depends. Like for Skeppy he was awake when we found him, for Fundy he was out for only a few minutes and for Bad he was out for a few days I think.¨ I thought about this. So it does happen, just not for most people so there should be nothing to worry about. ¨But if she's asleep for anything over a day we have to put in a feeding tube and breathing mask.¨ Correct that, 1 thing to worry about.

¨I hope it doesn't come to that.¨ I replied. ¨All of us hope that, but with each new person the time gets longer. There's some exceptions, but so far the pattern is almost everyone wakes up later than the last.¨ I nod, maybe that could be another piece of the puzzle. The puzzle of who sent us here, why they did it and even how did they do it.

I thought about it for a second, when my brain went to an unfamiliar idea. Everything I'd heard about waking up, even the dream of my own reminds me of something. Something that I have no problem remembering. The day that I woke up from the coma caused by the accident and saw Wilbur for the first time.

I could tell everyone knew I was spiraling into my thoughts by the way they stopped talking, but I had to chase this idea before it was gone. Just like what just happened with Connor, I was found by someone and taken while they waited for me to wake up. We both woke up with no memories and no clue where we were. Was there a chance of the rockets not being the thing that caused my amnesia?

From what I know, usually people who lose their memories obtain a head injury, but the rockets maily harmed my chest. The only thing on my head was burns, and they cannot get past the skull. So, what if the people controlling this, controlling us, decided I needed a reboot. What if I was doing something they didn't like and they decided to snuff out the problem. I was told they had no clue where I went after I protected Tubbo and there's no way with my injuries I would've gotten away that fast on my own.

What if I crossed a line for our world's so-called creators. What if they took advantage of the frantic situation and decided to reboot me once more. What if they took me in the chaos and dropped me after they were done. And what if, if the dreams were telling me anything, the reboot didn't stick. And what if I unknowingly crossed that line again, and they decided I needed to be fixed. What if, instead of a reboot. They just delete the virus.

I knew that Eret and Phil were curious, but I decided then who I needed to tell. The one person here the creators didn't touch. "Phil." He looked at me. "Yeah kiddo?" He asked. "We need to talk." I said "In private."

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