Chapter 39

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WARNING: Depictions of gore throughout the chapter. Skip to the summary at the end if you're uncomfortable with gore.

Quackity's POV-

I get up from the ground after a minute or 2 when I hear my name being yelled. I stumble out of the room and back towards New L'Manberg. When the first person saw me, surprisingly Ghostbur, he shouted to the others. "Guys he's over here!" They quickly rush over and Fundy grabs a rag from his pocket and quickly holds it to the left side of my face. I could see from my right eye still and saw the rag filling with blood. "He's hurt! Badly!" Fundy exclaims to the others. They come forwards and see the rag slowly turning red.

"We need to get him to a clinic, there's one in Eret's castle, Pogtopia and the community house. We haven't rebuilt the clinic here yet. Quackity, how are you doing so we can gauge where we can go or if we can make it that far?" I was leaning on Fundy but not heavily. I stood with my weight off of him and my legs were wobbly. "Wobbly, not far, blood loss." I kept it short because as Techno said he did indeed put it through my teeth, as well as both of my lips, chin, cheek, eyelid and a bit of my forehead. I leaned back on Fundy before my legs gave out from under me. Fundy put his arms around me and kept me up.

"We should go to Eret's. It's only a bit farther than the community house but they're probably there to help if need be and Dream just actively worked against us." Fundy suggested. They all nodded in agreement before setting off to the castle. Fundy shortly after wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck as my jelly legs were slowing us down. All I had to do was keep the rag on my face and that was easy enough to do.

We shortly thereafter arrived at the castle and came running through the doorway and towards the clinic. Eret was just coming through the halls and saw us. "The clinic is getting a lot of use in the last week. Come on in and lie him on a bed. I need his blood type and keep that rag on until I can get a fresh one." She said going into the clinic and holding the door for us. Fundy laid me on a bed and took over holding the rag while sitting off to the side. I just laid there trying to ignore the burning pain in my face.

"Cup." I said quickly. Tubbo was with Eret to get the blood and supplies but Ranboo was still nearby. He quickly grabbed a paper cup from a nearby sink and handed it to me, still no one knowing why I needed it. I held it below my mouth and spit out the blood that had pooled in my mouth as well as what I assumed was my left canine tooth after feeling around. I laid back and kept the cup because the blood was still pooling. Ranboo turned to Eret. "He just spit out a lot of blood from his mouth, a tooth too it looks like!"

A drawer slammed before a cart was rolled over with both Eret and Tubbo in gloves. Eret held out 2 more pairs, one to Fundy and one to Ranboo. "Don't know what exactly I'm working with so you guys have to do as I say." Eret took over holding the new rag he just switched on while Fundy washed his hands before putting on his gloves. "Quackity I'm going to need you to spit out any blood in your mouth then open wide if you can. Can you do that?" They asked. I nodded knowing it'd hurt.

I put the cup back under my mouth and spit out about half as much as last time, filling about half the cup now. Eret took the cup and put it on the cart before grabbing a tool connected to a tube. I opened my mouth until it started to hurt my lips really bad, tears pooling in my eyes. "Can you open any wider?" He asked. Instead of trying to talk I simply moved the rag a bit so he could see that the cut through my lips and further up, they haven't looked at the cut yet seemingly worrying about the blood pooling in my mouth first.

They raised their eyebrows and probably widened their eyes behind their glasses. "Ok then we can't do more than just leave the suction in your mouth for the blood until we get you sorted enough where you can open your mouth enough to check out the inside." She put the tool in my mouth then let me finally close my mouth and he turned a switch and the tool started suction for any blood that would pool in my mouth.

"Now just going to warn you blood will start running faster when I take off the rag so Tubbo is setting up the blood bag beforehand so you hopefully don't have too much blood loss." I see Tubbo hang something then insert a needle into my right wrist. He nodded to Eret before Eret removed the towel. But even though my eyes were both open my sight was still the same. "His eye is red, he can't see out of it. But this cut is luckily not dirty or messy. It's cut smoothly and will heal easier. But it is long and deeper towards the bottom so that's why his lips hurt so much. His lips are probably cut all the way through or almost. Give me the anesthetic shots, 3." Ranboo hands him 3 needles and she grabs them. "It's going to hurt going in but it will numb the area so we can work on it and you're in less pain." I nod.

He puts one in my chin, 1 in my cheek and 1 in my eyebrow. After a few minutes it goes numb and though my pain is numbed I can't talk right now. I nod and he grins. "Good. First we have to clean the cut, then stitches, gauze and bandages. But before we stitch past the cheek we have to do the mouth or it might rip the stitches." The others nodded. He grabbed cotton balls and tweezers. "Fundy put rubbing alcohol in a little pan and put it on my tray." Fundy gets to that and sets it down. "Good, Tubbo you're closest, keep Quackity's head steady. If he gets tired one of you switch with him.

Tubbo's hands rest on either side of my head. "Ready." He says. Eret nods before dipping the cotton ball in the rubbing alcohol holding it by the tweezers. He cleans the cut from top to bottom, wiping as need be with the rag. Once they got to the bottom he nodded. "The bleeding is slowed and the cut is clean as can be. Let me take care of the mouth quickly, stay holding his head." He opens my mouth and the stinging in the cut continues like while he was cleaning.

He looks around before putting a roll of gauze in my mouth and having me bite. "The blood was from his left canine being ripped out from the attack and the blood from the lips that are indeed cut all the way through as well as cut gums. The gums need stitches as well and keeping gauze in his mouth for a while should help the tooth." He nodded towards Ranboo. "Sit by my side and hold the overhead light and move as requested. Hand me what is needed as well." He said. "Ok, got it, Ranboo said, pulling the overhead light down and turning it on to a dimmer level because I couldn't close my eyes or wear sunglasses while one was damaged.

"Pass me a curved needle and a round of the black thread." Eret said, Ranboo followed. I felt the hands on my head leave for a second and be replaced by another pair, seemingly Tubbo switched for Fundy. They started the stitches from the top, putting drops in my eye before essentially stitching it closed for now because of my eyelid being cut. They stopped to put stitches in my gums before continuing past the cheek and down my chin.

Eret handed the supplies to Ranboo before Ranboo put them on the tray. "Gauze please." Ranboo compiled and gauze ended up covering the area of the stitches. "Bandages." Then he wrapped bandages around my left side into the right side of my hair. He backed up and I knew it was done. "Everyone clean up while I give him some painkillers that will put him to bed. We'll talk about after care when he wakes up." They nod and walk towards the sinks. Eret grabs a bag and hangs it next to the blood. "See you in a bit Big Q." He said as he put the IV in.

My eyes grew heavier and heavier until I settled into a dreamless sleep.

Summary: Quackity heard his name being called and came out to see Fundy where they alerted Tubbo and Ranboo of his state. They went to Eret's castle for treatment and Quackity went to sleep afterwards.

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