Chapter 30

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Phil's POV-

Having (Y/N) back in my life again is something I didn't think would happen in a very long time, if not then never. But here I am, making her a breakfast. She stumbled through my doorway about 2 days ago, she hasn't even left her room since that night, but I'm here to help her. I can tell that whatever happened to her in order for Nightmare to exist took a toll on her. She has an empty look in her eyes, barely talks, she's just- lost... But in these few days or caring for her I noticed one thing that's unusual, in comparison to her new normal. She seems to really like plants.

When she does get out of her room, to shower and use the bathroom mainly, she gets distracted by the plants in the hallway. So yesterday I did a sort of experiment. I gave her a cup of water and asked her if she could water the plants. I didn't know what she'd do, but she came back down in a few minutes with an empty cup asking for a refill. I filled it back up and followed her on her way up the stairs. I saw her kneel by a small bamboo plant and water it, patting it's leaves. "Can you talk?" she asked, looking at it confused. After a few minutes she said, "Take your time, I don't judge."

It was cute, while she seems like an empty shell with everything else she seems to have a child-like innocence when it comes to plantlife. So today I had a plan to bring more of that out of her.

(Y/N)'s POV-

I woke up to Phil setting an outfit on my dresser. He as promised got the things from Eret, including a set of keys. I knew the keys were important so I haven't taken them off, dunno what they go to tho. I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. He sees my motions and smiles. "Good morning (Y/N). I picked your outfit for today because we're doing something special. I thought we could go out and get some plants for your room if that's alright with you."

I freeze in my movements, plants of my own. I turn to Phil and talk, rare for me these days other than trying to get the plants to talk to me again. "Can I choose?" I ask. He smiled and nodded. "Sure mate, I'll follow you and bring a wheelbarrow." I bounce on my feet, maybe I can find the talking plant again. He laughs at my actions and ruffles my hair. "Get dressed and come downstairs, I have pancakes cooling on the island." I nod and grab my clothes, grey jeans and a blue hoodie. I've realized that whatever they did to my brain fixed my eyes, not that I'm complaining though.

I slip off my silk pajamas and bunny slippers then put on my outfit, barely even paying attention to my healed up scars covering my body. I slip on a pair of dark grey tennis shoes, a pair of black fingerless gloves that I'd grown fond of as well as a black face mask. I don't like talking to people other than Phil, so the face mask makes me more comfortable where others can see me. Phil is fine with me doing what makes me more comfortable, he cares a lot about me. Wish I could still return it.

I walk to the dining room and Phil smiles at me, a mug full of either coffee or tea steaming in his hands. He moves his head to a plate on the table. "Pancakes are there, syrup to the side and what drink do you want?" I sit down in front of the plate and ponder for the moment. "(F/J)?" (Favorite Juice) I ask. He nodded and poured from the jug in the fridge into a cup. He sets it on the table and pats my head.

I pull down the mask to eat the pancakes, drink the juice, but I don't end up finishing either. I finish with about 2/3 left, I haven't been able to eat much since I came back, dunno why but my body starts wanting to reject food after a certain point. I take a bite and suddenly want to spit it out, same for drinks. So when Phil sees me do that because I genuinely can't swallow it Phil knows I'm done.

He takes my plate to the bin to scrape it then dumps my cup in the sink before putting the dishes in there as well. I move the mask back up and stand back up. Phil grabs a spade then he motions me outside where the wheelbarrow is and I hesitate. I haven't been outside since I stumbled to Phil'd house.

What if they think I'm her? What if the foundation, I knew about them before and she was a follower of them, knows I'm back and comes for me? I'm shaking and on my knees before I know it and Phil has his arms and wings around me. "(Y/N)? (Y/N), can you hear me? You'll be alright, I'll be here the whole time. I won't let them get to you again." I took a shaky breath and nodded my head.

He pulls me up and hesitantly lets go. I can stand on my own and all that is left of my lapse of character is shaky hands. He holds my hand and slowly leads me to the porch. "I need to hold the wheelbarrow while we walk, but feel free to hold onto my cape if need be." I nodded and hesitantly let go before quickly grabbing his cape. I take a shaky breath and nod at Phil. He nodded back and grabbed the wheelbarrow filled with a just spade for now.

He carefully gets it down the steps onto the wooden platforms above the crater that Wilbur created in his last few moments. We make it off the platforms and onto a path and start walking down a path and come upon 2 buildings that look similar, one advertising ice cream and the other advertising flowers. We head into the flower one, Phil leaving the wheelbarrow outside. He grabs my hand again before saying, "This flower shop belongs to Niki and Puffy, are you able to go in?" I take a deep breath and nod. "Can you do the talking and I just look at the plants?" He nods and I grip onto his hand.

We walk into the shop and someone walks towards us. "Hey Phil, what are you up to?" Niki asked us. I shift my weight nervously and Phil gives a chuckle. "We're here to get some plants. (Y/N) has taken a liking to them and I want to make them comfortable." She was taken aback by my name and took a look at me, just realizing who I was. "(Y/N)!" She exclaimed. She went to hug me and I jumped back hard enough I fell and winced.

Phil kneels down to me and holds my hands in his, rubbing my knuckles comfortingly. "She's been through a lot while she was gone. I'm here to make her more comfortable. Please back off her unless she does it first." I appreciate him looking out for me and Niki nods sadly. Phil helps me up and tells me "Go check out the plants you want, pick out like 10 or less." I nod and scurry away into the plants, leaving Niki distraught and Phil worried for me being alone again

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