Chapter 34 (Part 1)

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Got my first shot, fucking mint 👌🏽. My wrist hurts but can't stop the grind.

Bad's POV-

I arranged a meeting with Ant and Puffy because I don't trust Dream and Nightmare to have Skeppy as their first priority, but Nightmare and the egg's containment. We sat and thought it through. "We got cleaned so can't we mine a bit then take him out?" Puffy asked. I shook my head. "Whoever pulls him out would be touching the egg and Skeppy. They'd be sure to be infected, then not put back the obsidian and we'd end up affected shortly after. Most likely to check how it went."

"Why don't we have a second person inside to deal with the obsidian if the time comes?" Ant suggests. "But no matter, we've followed the egg and even while bathed we've heard it so we're susceptible." Ant quickly jumps back in. "Puffy never heard it while following it, she could get Skeppy." Puffy looked shocked. "No way! I haven't heard it and that would change that. No way" I give a sigh.

"Then we have no plan. If we think of something else then that could work, but otherwise we have to listen to them." They gave a sigh but nodded. Then we split our ways to return to our homes, mine being a very cold and empty one.

I changed into my plaid pajama bottoms and a tank top and slid into bed. It was quiet, cold and silent. I didn't like it at all. I absentmindedly reached to the right side of the bed and my hand found a piece of cloth. I pulled it to my torso as tears welled up in my eyes. I slipped on the blue hoodie and buried myself in the covers, stifling my sobs as I cried myself to sleep.

Bright and early in the morning I descend the stone staircase with a pickaxe, wearing my normal clothes and the hoodie on top. I stood confidently in front of the obsidian. I readied my pickaxe and chipped away a big enough hole for Skeppy to walk through, then I could easily replace it. I don't need to touch anything. "Skeppy you see the light? Run out, quickly. I saw his form step out and without even looking at him I got behind him and quickly covered back up the egg. I paused for a moment, no urges or voices. It seems to be good.

I turn around and hug Skeppy. He doesn't recuperate. I pulled back questioningly before my eyes widened. Skeppy's blue clothing has become a vibrant crimson, his bright blue eyes bright red, his diamond features looking more like ruby and I can see from his hands and neck what looks like red tendrils on his skin. He had a blank face and was standing too still. "Skeppy?" "Can I go back to the egg now?"

I staggered back. "The egg?" I asked not believing I heard him right. He nods and puts his hands in his pockets. I shake my head vigorously. "I risked a lot to get you out Skeppy." He just looked at me blankly and I sighed. I took out my communicator and called Puffy. She yawned, "What's up Bad? I just woke up." I let out a shaky breath. "I know I wasn't supposed to and you can yell at me later, but I freed Skeppy." She gave a gasp. "But Bad they said-" I cut her off. "I know but I'm just fine and the egg is closed again, I didn't even touch it."

She gave a sigh, "So is Skeppy ok? Why did you call and tell me this?" She asked. "He's, different. And I need your help to try and fix him. Come and I'll explain and you'll see." She reluctantly agreed and said she'd be right over. I hung up and looked at Skeppy. He started to say something and I cut him off. "No you cannot. Puffy's coming and we're going to fix you. We have to." He shut up and stayed still near my side.

Puffy got here and called out. I called back and she came my way, stopping short at the sight of Skeppy. I walked over to her. "He came out looking like this. He's unresponsive to anything I do and has only asked if he can go back to the egg so far." She thought for a moment before asking, can we try reminding him of when he was blue?" I gave a sigh, "We can try." I set down an ender chest and reached into it's darkness and pulled out 14 certain valuable blocks.

"Skeppy, I have something for you. Something that's a part of you. Diamonds!" I shoved the blocks in his arms and he looked at them blankly. He walked a bit and I saw this as progress, but then he stood over a pool of lava in the room. He threw the blocks in and looked back at me deadpanned. I gave a sigh and a disappointed look at Puffy. She handed me something else to try, sand. Skeppy's favorite thing.

I walked to him and gently set it in his hands. "Skeppy please. Just remember. Just be blue." As soon as I let go of his hands he dropped the sand in the lava as well. I held back tears and Puffy pulled me into her chest. Skeppy moved and I looked at him. He looked unhappy. He went to our statues, one of me and one of him. He takes a pickaxe to his statue and starts hacking away at it. I ran out of Puffy's arms and tried to pull his arms back. HE pushed me to the floor and he continued and I screamed, "Stop, stop!"

He stopped when the head fell to the ground beside it and he turned to me once more. Puffy pulled me off the ground and I pulled her to the side again. "I have one last idea. He loved me so hopefully he still does." I pulled off Skeppy's hoodie and handed it to her. "You're discount Skeppy. Let's make him jealous." I set down a crafting bench and she sat atop of it. I hugged her and put on a confident face while looking at Skeppy.

"If you won't love me anymore I'll just love discount Skeppy." He still deadpanned me even when I hugged Puffy closer. Puffy sighed and got back down and handed me back the hoodie. "Sorry Bad. I don't think jealousy is gonna work." I sadly nodded and pulled the hoodie back on. I looked to Skeppy, a sad look in my eyes at my lost love.

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