Running on Love

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(Disclaimer- this was written before 15x18 aired)


"Dean?" Cas knocked on the door to the 'Deancave' as his friend called it

He slowly opened the door to the darkened room, the TV was mute running on some Dr series and Dean was asleep on the couch with a beer in his hand and before him on the table were snacks he had barely eaten

He knew he shouldn't of but he stared at they way Dean's chest rose and fell smiling shortly before saying again- "Dean" He said a little louder

Dean shook awake and looked around the room calming down when he realised it was just Cas though he rolled his eyes as he put his beer down "You're late"

Cas sighed removing his coat and sitting down with Dean "My apologies"

Dean chuckled at his formalities "It's okay" His hand ventured to Cas' pants as he leaned in and the angel flinched "Dean- I just got here"

Dean kissed his cheek "You were late you don't get a say" He smiled "Besides we can cuddle after"

Cas smiled as well and kissed Dean letting the hunter pull open the zipper to his pants, rubbing his cock through the fabric teasing Cas' length as they kisses until the angel was hard

Dean retracted his hand and looked up to stare into Cas' lust filled blue eyes that shone in the light of the television, "I.." love you is what he wanted to say- is what almost spilled out but he quickly came back to his senses and placed a kiss to Cas' neck "Think you should lose a couple layers" He finished with a plastered on grin

Cas nodded in agreement and Dean helped him remove his blazer and get his tie off, as well as unbuttoning just the first two buttons on his white dress shirt


He hooked his fingers under the waistband of Cas' boxers pulling them down to free his very erect cock watching it bounce out from the fabric

He parted from Cas for a moment to pull his boxers down under his ass before crawling onto the angel's lap, gasping when he felt Cas against his ass

He used the couch as support as Cas lifted him up over his cock, he felt the head start to slip past his rim frowning when he felt the feel of cool lube between them, quickly realising that Cas must've prepped them even though he knew Dean liked the pain

Dean let go of a breath picking his head up from Cas' neck as he was fully seated on Cas, "Dean?"

"I'm fine Cas" He ground out, he held onto the leather couch as he rode Caas expertly, keeping his moans to a minimum even biting the couch when Cas would thrust up and hit his spot

The angel moaned, helping Dean bounce on his cock- he loved this time with Dean even if the hunter just wanted sexual relief, it upset him but he'd take it over Dean hating him any day

Dean knew what Cas thought that the sex didn't mean anything and he didn't blame the angel, whenever they fucked he always made sure to be distant

But he didn't want to be distant, he wanted to be able to make love and be happy with Cas and he knew that his friend wanted that too, he didn't want to be controlled by hate when they might not have much time left

He swallowed hard before placing his hands on Cas' neck instead of the couch, he kissed Cas passionately and slowed his hip movements to savor the moment

"I love you" He manged as they kissed, "I love you" He said again more confidently


Dean shrugged smiling "I said it" Cas smiled back brightly as ever "I love you too"

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