Through The Years

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Little snippits of Destiel through the years

Starting from s5



Dean sighed, he was slumped down on the window of the backseat of the Impala trying to sleep, it was hard because he knew Cas was watching him

The angel insisted on watching over Dean- why couldn't he go bother Sam?

The motel had only had one available room and since they were definitely not sharing it- they'd played a game of rock, paper, scissors and much to Dean's eternal sadness..he lost

So he was stuck spending the night in the impala "Hey Cas?" He muttered eyes still closed, the angel hummed softly "Yes Dean?"

"Don't you have..other things you could be doing?" He asked "I mean watching me can't be that entertaining"

"I'm protecting you" Cas said simply "..And maybe I like being around you" He whispered staring down at his hands, Dean opened one eye to look at him in the front seat "What does that mean?"

"I've never really been around humans, you teach me new things- I know how we met wasn't ideal're kind of my only friend"

Dean paused for a moment processing what Cas said, the angel seemed so sincere and he guessed 'friends' was the right word for it-their relationship, he sighed "Do you sleep Cas?"

Cas shook his head "No, I'm an angel Dean, I don't require-"

"Yeah-yeah" Dean fought the urge to roll his eyes, "..Okay then..continue protecting me" He gave permission before letting his eyes fall closed again

"..Hey Cas?" He didn't wait for a reply "You're my friend too, even if you are a creep"


"Okay step one of understanding humans- music"

Cas frowned "Music?" He didn't think this was what Dean had in mind when he suggested Cas go with him to get food while Sam did research at the motel

Dean nodded "Music" He repeated, he got his favourite mix tape and put it in turning the volume up "Sit back and wait for the best ear-gasam of your life"

"Ear-gasam?" Cas said, "Is that a play on the term orgasam?- in which-"

"I know what orgasam means Cas" Dean chuckled as he started up the Impala "Man you've got so much to learn"


"You ever get tired of that get up Cas?" Dean asked one morning in the bunker over a bowl of Fruit Loops- Sam says that it's sugar filled death but Dean's just content with the fact that he'll die happy

The angel frowned and looked himself up and down "Not really.." Dean stood up to put his bowl in the sink, he faced Cas and checked their height "Hmm, we're about the same size- I got some clothes you can try- maybe help you impress the ladies"

"I am not interested in women Dean"

Dean shrugged "Okay the fellas- I don't judge" Cas rolled his eyes "That's not what I mean't"

"Yeah, yeah"

So Dean took the angel to his bedroom and picked out what would look good on him, which was kind of hard because Dean thought the angel would look stunning in anything

But he did manage to find a few outfits

Cas pulled at the unfamiliar fabric, he was in a pair of worn out jeans, a buttoned up red flannel, "Uh..this is..different"

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