Polysexual or Pansexual? (Polysexual Pride Day)

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College au!


"For the last time they are the same thing!!"

Castiel groaned "No they are not!" He exclaimed, "Pansexual is being attracted to any and all genders- Polysexual is being attracted to some but not all genders!"

Dean blinked stupidly "You've lost me" Cas rolled his eyes, "Okay give me one example of how they're not the same" Dean challenged; he was slowly forgetting how they even started the argument

Cas racked his brain "I'm polysexual- I like people- I'm not attracted to most guys- if any- but I'm attracted to you"  Dean's eyes widened slightly "You what?"

"I said-"

Dean put a hand up "I know what you said- do you know what you just said?" Cas smirked slowly creeping up over Dean to pin him down to the couch "Yeah I do"

Dean raised his brow suggestively "..Bedroom?"


"Oh fuck" Cas groaned as he pulled out of Dean's spent hole both men panting breathlessly "So- is it still the same thing?" Dean gave a post orgasam laugh "I don't know-.. can we do that again?"

Cas shrugged "Depends..is it still the same thing?" He asked again, "No- they are two very different sexualites"

Cas frowned "Are you being sarcastic?" Dean shook his head "I don't know of what you are speaking about"

"Stop talking like that"

"Talking like what?" Dean shrugged as he reached for his shirt "I'm just speaking as you would- Mr Know it all"

Cas rolled his eyes "I do not sound like a pretentious douche" Dean actually laughed at that, breaking character "Yeah okay Castiel"

Cas rolled his eyes again, he grabbed Dean's shirt from his hands, staring into his green eyes "I'm not too pretentious to fuck you into next week"

Yeah okay Dean's gulp may have been audible

Cas laughed pulling on his shorts "That's what I thought" He said getting up from bed, Dean shook his head getting back to his senses "Oh, that is so not fair Novak!"


I don't know if I used the concept of poly right so please correct me if I got anything wrong

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