Settling in

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- Just know I completely half assed  this so...


Gabriel leaned on the door frame of Sam's open bedroom door watching the hunter fold his bed quietly

It was still strange to see the Winchester's walk around in something other then their usual layers of flannel but he was slowly getting used to it as Sam was currently wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt

Though he thought the feeling might be mutual seeing as he himself was only wearing the grey sweater that Sam loaned him, with the large sleaves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of shorter than short shorts

"Hey" He greeted finally making his presence known, Sam turned to him with a smile on his face "Oh, hey-sorry I didn't hear you come in- I was kind of in my own little world"

Gabriel shrugged "Understandable, with what just happend, I'd be happy too" He said referring to how they had just very luckily escaped the apocalypse world

"Speaking of which, how are you?" Sam asked and Gabriel took a step into the room "As good as I can be I guess, I'm still trying to swallow the idea of running heaven though"

Sam sighed and motioned for Gabriel to sit down on the bed with him "Yeah that must be weird" Gabriel nodded "Yeah it definitely is" He sighed "Anyways- enough about me, how are you feeling?, I mean you just got your mom back so you should be ecstatic"

Sam cleared his throat "I should- and I mean I am, it's just the first time we got back we lost her-twice and I'm just.."

Gabriel reluctantly put his hand over Sam's "You're scared that you'll lose her again?" To Gabriel's surprise Sam clenched his hand tighter, "Yeah"

They stared into each others eyes for what felt like eons and then out of nowhere they were caught in a reluctant kiss, only lasting a few seconds of course before Sam pulled away looking almost apologetic but Gabriel silenced his sorry thoughts when he kissed him agian with more meaning than before

With a 'snap' of Gabriel's fingers the door was shut and locked, as Sam lifted him on top of his lap deepening the kiss

Sam smiled; he had always wondered what Gabriel's lips tasted like- sugar mostly, but he didn't mind

They broke apart momentarily when Sam lifted Gabriel's baggy sweater over his head before resuming their intense make out session, pulling and nipping at each others lips

Gabriel tugged at the bottom of Sam's shirt, as if to tell Sam to take it off and the man instantly obliged and then with one swift movement Sam had carefully rolled them over so that they were laying on the bed with Gabriel still on top of him

Gabriel snapped away his and Sam's pants and Sam groaned at the instant contact flipping them over so that he was on top before spreading Gabriel legs and fitting his cock in between them

He gave Gabriel a look and Gabriel returned the same one until he realised what Sam was getting at "It's okay Sam.. I promise you won't hurt me" Sam hesitated for a moment before slowly pushing into Gabriel till he was completely in

He bent down kissing Gabriel passionately as he worked himself in and out of him repeatedly, speeding up his pace gradually and grabbing Gabriel's hand holding it tight meanwhile maintaining strong eye contact with him

Sam hadn't even touched Gabriel's cock but somehow it was already leaking pre-cum, making the angel whine as he stared lovingly into Sam's hazely green eyes and Sam stared right back at his whiskey gold ones

"Sam!" Gabriel moaned trying hard to keep his voice down to not disturb the 50 other people roaming the place  "I'm-" He swallowed not being able to finish his sentence "Fuck"

Sam's thrusts became faster as he came close to his own climax, the power of his thrusts alone were enough to cause Gabriel to slap a hand over his mouth whispering curse words profusely

His breathing slowed down when he felt Sam's cum flow throughout him and Sam pulled out dropping tiredly beside Gabriel, still holding the others hand

Gabriel snapped away all the mess and curled them both up in the sheets, both still panting lightly as they fell asleep knowing that they were going to have one hell of a talk the next day


When Sam woke he instantly realised the body that was beside him when he fell asleep was gone and he frowned with a sad sigh before he saw the small note left with a cup of coffee on his bedside table and reached over to pick it up

Had to bounce- I borrowed your shirt hope you don't mind, and I really enjoyed last night, maybe we can talk later?

- Gabriel

Sam smiled at the sweet note and took a long sip of his coffee, grinning like an idiot


Sam had running around the bunker all day trying to help every one that needed it, giving out cases and advice for hours was tiring and he barley even got to speak to Gabriel because everytime he tried someone else needed him

"Dude are you okay?" Dean asked concerningly "What?" Sam looked up from his coffee

"That's like your tenth cup today" Dean pointed out and Sam sighed "I'm trying to stay up long enough to talk to the person I actually want to talk to"

Dean raised a brow "What does that mean?"


"What's up Winchest-amigos" Gabriel greeted cheerfully entering the kitchen, he looked to Dean "Dean, Cas needs you" 


Gabriel shrugged innocently and Dean rolled his eyes before leaving Sam and Gabriel alone "So about that talk" Gabriel smirked playfully

"Sorry, Gabe I've been running around the bunker all day we haven't even had a chance to talk-"

"Don't worry about it, it's fine I understand- it's not easy being the 'boss man'" Gabriel chuckled lightly and pulled Sam close by his jacket but not into a kiss, "You know with the few minutes of freedom you have we should probably have that talk now"

Sam nodded "Yeah we should" He agreed and Gabriel rubbed nervously at his neck "I know it's crazy soon but do you..." He trailed off not being able to say it

Sam raised a brow "-Love you?" He paused "Honestly?-I don't know" He said "Watching you almost die, it wasn't fun- it felt like I lost something I didn't even now I had," He took Gabriel's hand "But what I do know is that I never want to feel like that ever again"

Gabriel smiled shyly "-Well... I like you too Samich"

Dean rushed into the kitchen staring suspiciously at the two "Sam you're needed"

"Just give me a minute Dean" Sam muttered annoyedly before bending down and giving Gabriel a quick kiss "See you later" Gabriel's face was crimson red as he managed to stutter a quiet 'sure'

Dean gave him a 'wtf' look as they left the kitchen "Gabriel?- seriously?!"


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