♡︎𝓽᭙ꫀꪀ𝓽ꪗ ꫀ𝓲ᧁꫝ𝓽♡︎

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Instead of putting TWs for sexual content, I will put "" from now on.

"I can't believe that we're in a new year already."

Adelph says as we all walk through the Hogwarts hall.

I only stare at the stairs nervously as we all walk towards it. The stairs is like a time portal to me. Every time I go near it, it brings me back to that night. The scene of Delphine laying on the bottom of the steps replays every single time.

I remain silent as everybody walks up the stairs. I am standing on the lowest step as everybody walks up. Five steps is my rule, without it, I feel like a threat to everyone.


Draco asks as stays behind, letting Cyrus, Ezra, Adelph, and Blaise continue their walk without him.

"Can you take five steps?"

I ask him.

His eyes pace back and forth, studying me before taking five steps. He looks behind his shoulder as he takes another step, making me take another step. I look at the ground, making sure to keep the five steps distance between us as we walk up the stairs.

We walk in an awkward atmosphere as we both head towards Cyrus's room. He stares at my left wrist as I walk, I can see it from the corner of my eyes. I rub my wrist against my hip, trying to shake his eyes off of it.

As I walk into Cyrus's room, I feel everyone's eyes on me. I hate that look, looking at me as if I am a lost puppy.

Ezra and Adelph are sitting on the end of bed, hand in hand like a healthy couple. Blaise is also sitting on the bed, but he keeps his distance to not disturb the two. Draco and Cyrus are standing near the door, their face towards me as I sit down on the upper side of the bed.

I accidentally turn my wrists over, revealing the lines. I quickly flip it back but it is too late. Cyrus stares from my wrists that are on my lap to my face with a shocked expression.


He says, his face sad as if I am a Victorian orphan with a tragic backstory.

I stare at him, my eyes cold. Everybody else just stares at us, slightly confused on what is going on.

"Do you want to-"

He asks, but I cut him off.


I say, my eyes cold and emotionless.

"You have to share your feelings, Carmen. We're here for you, trust us."

Adelph says.

I fist my skirt with rage as they all begin to consult me. They left me out, shunned me, and now they act as if they all care. I wished for this, I begged for this, yet I hate it. I don't want it anymore, I kind of want to be left alone.

Carmen begins to head for the door, feeling like she should be alone again.

"Carmen, please."

Cyrus begs, just wanting to help his sister out.

Carmen stops walking. She turns around, her stone cold eyes piercing Cyrus. Cyrus knows that look, she has had it since the beginning of time. That look that says, 'you don't know me and I don't know you.' It was Carmen's signature look, still is.

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