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  It has been two months since everybody left me. The cold February weather is now replaced with the semi cool weather of April. Valentines, the day of love has passed and now Easter is approaching. You would have thought that they would have forgiven me by now, but you guessed wrong. Adelph is still seeing Ezra, judging by the way she spends half of her time in his dorm. She stays at our dorm time to time but when she does, she usually sits quietly at the her side of the room. Draco is still disgusted by me, unfortunately. He pivots whenever he sees me trying to approach him in the halls, it's quite humiliating, really.

See? I told you that they all leave.

Cyrus is also on the same boat as everyone else. You would have thought that he would go easy on me since I am his family, but again, you guessed wrong.

I stay silent as I look out of my new room's window. It is larger compared to the old house, especially since I get to have three closets. It is a shame though, I definitely won't stay in this house with my family much.

"Carmen, come downstairs please!"

My mum yells from the first floor.

"It is about time to meet your neighbors."

She adds.

I sigh as I walk out my room and down the long, white and dark oak stairs. I become slightly insecure in my pink mini skirt and white sweater as I see Draco leaning against the wall, looking bored. The sound of laughter and chit chat becomes more prominent as I take each step down the stairs. The lady that is talking to my mum has dark hair that is covering up her blonde one like a curtain.

"Narcissa, this is my daughter, Carmen."

My mum introduces.

"I have heard so much about you from your mother, Carmen."

Mrs. Malfoy says.

I wonder what my mum talked about?

My mum was never really present in my childhood, I really raised myself. She was never emotionally there throughout my life, she never really seemed to care. She gave more attention to Cyrus though (you know how mothers can be with their sons). She lately has been wanted to get more involved though, owling me every week back at Hogwarts. But even then, she won't have a lot of stories to tell Narcissa; which makes me wonder of what she said about me.

I look at Draco for a second, wondering if he still looks at me the way he did that night. He doesn't look at me though, he is dozing off at the wall, lost in his own world.

"It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Malfoy."

I say before excusing myself to the dining room.

Cyrus is sitting on the chair at the dining table as he eats a butter cookie. His eyes connects with mine before he snaps them away, as if it is a curse to look at me. He stands up from his seat as my dad takes a seat at the same table. One thing you should know about Cyrus is his hate for our dad. He never liked my dad, ever since I could remember.

He is standing by the door as he finishes up his cookie. He moves, however, the second he realizes that I am approaching him. As I watch him slip by, the most tragic epiphany appeared in my mind. The conclusion that Cyrus hates me equally as my dad, that he hates me enough where he has to remove himself from the room whenever he sees me that hits me.

That hurts.

I sigh as I walk into the kitchen. I make a cup of tea, trying my best to stray away from the alcohol. I'm not an addict but I definitely drink more than I need to. Especially during these hard times, I tend to find myself sitting on my bed with a bottle of fire whiskey.


Crickets chirp outside of the window from the dining room. Although the entire family is here, silence fills the room. It is Easter night, a 'special' holiday.

"So, how is Hogwarts going, Carmen?"

My mum asks at the dinner table.

I look down to my plate as I chew my dinner.

"It's going fine."

I reply.

"You're keeping yourself healthy there, right?"

She asks.


I reply.

The sound of forks against the glass plate fills the silent air. It is too awkward, I want to leave. I feel Cyrus stare at me for a second before he looks down to his plate. I can feel the desperation from my mum as she tries to think of something to say.

"How is your friend, what was her name again?"

She asks, causing me to shrug.

"Oh, Adelpha, her name was it?"

She asks.

I keep my mouth shut for a second, not knowing what to say. I look up from my plate before looking at my mum. I tilt my head as I put on a sarcastic smile, blinking like a bitch as I do so.

"She's doing fine."

I answer as I put my utensils down.

"Aren't you hungry, Carmen?"

Mum says as she eyes my half eaten meal.

Cyrus continues to look at his plate as I stand up. My dad is present but he pays no attention to all of us.

"Not anymore."

I say as I walk away.

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