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"She sleeps a lot."

Ezra points out as Carmen sleeps on Cyrus's bed.

"Yeah, she does that whenever she feels upset."

Cyrus informs.

"I don't mind though, I think that it is the healthiest coping mechanism she has of now."

Cyrus says.

Cyrus, Ezra, Blaise, and Draco are sitting at the table as they all look at Carmen. She is laying on her stomach with her arms sprawled near her face. She looks tranquil and peaceful whenever she sleeps, and she felt like it too.

"Where's Adelph?"

Cyrus asks Ezra, trying to change the subject.

"She went to go get something for Carmen, something about candles."

Ezra replies.

My eyes open as I try to adjust my body to my current state. It feels weird to close your eyes and wake up a couple for hours later sometimes, the concept in itself is quite weird. I sit up as I peel the blanket away from my body.

"Wakey, wakey."

Cyrus says.

I stare at the ruffled up blanket as I feel a wave of a headache come in. I pinch the bridge of my nose as I close my eyes, breathing steadily as I do so.

"Carmen, Is everything alright?"

Blaise asks.

I shake my head as slightly as I can, not wanting to make the headache worse. It feels as though there are nails being hammered all over my head, it really hurts.

"Shit, is everything alright? Do you need something?"

Cyrus asks, panicking.

"I'm fine, I just need to walk around a bit."

I say as I stand up.

"Are you-"

Ezra begins, but I interrupt him.

"I'm fine."

I say as I walk out of Cyrus's room.

The pain isn't that bad now, it's just the dizziness. I stumble down the stairs, almost falling. I catch myself by holding onto the railing of the stairs. I slowly let my body sink down onto the stairs as I feel more dizzy.

Cyrus walks out of his room in a panic, he knows that something isn't right after only hearing two footsteps down the stairs. Draco is besides him as Ezra and Blaise are both behind them. Draco is the first one to notice Carmen on the stairs, the rest catches on after Draco runs to her. Draco feels for her pulse, his hands slightly shaky.

"She's alive, she's just passed out."

Draco says as he places one arm around the back of her knees and the other around her back.

"She probably just needs some food and water."

Ezra says as he watches Draco carry her.

Cyrus rushes back to him room as Draco carries her. Cyrus grabs a glass of water, crashing through his things as he does so. Cyrus is usually organized, but when is came to his sister he always found himself making a chaotic mess. Ezra and Blaise goes downstairs to the kitchen, getting something a little bit more nutritional than chips.

"Will she wake up soon?"

Cyrus asks as he sets the water and chips down onto the night stand, right where Draco can reach for it.

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