♡︎𝓽᭙ꫀꪀ𝓽ꪗ 𝓽ꫝ𝘳ꫀꫀ♡︎

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I look at Cyrus's ceiling as Ezra, Cyrus and his customer converse. I am lying against his bed with a cigarette in my hand as the two argue back and forth.

Since of my running away incident, Cyrus is making me stay in his room all of the time. The other times when I am away from him, he makes Draco babysit me. Draco always tries to talk to me whenever he is babysitting me, it's quite confusing.

"I told you, five galleons, take it or leave it."

Cyrus says.


The customer says with a sigh as he digs through is pocket.

Silence fills the room as I feel eyes on me. I look over to my side, placing my cheek onto the bed. My eyes blankly stare at Draco's ringed hand that is placed on the bed as I wait for someone to talk.

"Who is that girl on your bed? Does she have a boyfriend?"

The customer asks, his voice slightly mischievous.

"She's off limits."

I hear Draco spit.

"She's my sister, I will scoop your eyes out if you talk about her again."

Cyrus threats.


The customer groans out as he shows himself the door.

Another wave of silence hits as Cyrus's door slams shut. I continue to stare at Draco's rings, trying to distract myself.

"Carmen, are you alive?"

Cyrus says from the door.

I turn my head over, towards Cyrus. I stare at him and nod, giving him an answer.

"We're all sorry."

Ezra reminds for the hundredth time from the table as he looks at me.

"Don't be."

I say as I bring my cig to my lips.

There is an uncomfortable silence as I feel everyone watch me, even Draco. I wish I could leave, I feel so out of place. I feel like they all want to scream and yell at me, I feel like they all secretly hate me. The only reason why they are apologizing is because I ran away and caused a big scene, that's the only reason why.

"Adelph really missed you."

Ezra says, breaking the silence.


I say as I sit up.

I crush the burning stick against the ashtray as I slowly stand up. Draco also begins to stand up as I walk towards the door.

"Where are you going, Carmen?"

Cyrus asks.


I say.

Draco catches up to me as I walk down the stairs. The faint sound of my parents arguing like savage animals goes on as we walk down the stairs. His icy eyes stare at me as I look front.

"I didn't mean what I said that night."

Draco says as we walk out of the house.


I say.

"I'm not lying."

He says as we walk into the garden.


I say again.

He just stares at me as I take a seat on the lush grass. I clutch onto my navy blue skirt as I pull my knees up, crossing them on the way. He sits next to me as I stare at my mother's petunia garden.

"I fucked up, I really fucked up. I didn't want to hurt her, it all happened so fast, I swear."

I say as I begin to cry.

He steps closer to me as I let my tears fall down. His nose is slightly scrunched with disgust as he looks into my eyes. He looks like he could lash out at me any second.

"Yeah, you fucked up alright, you could have killed her."

He says.

"I didn't mean to."

I plead.

"It doesn't matter, she could have died."

He says, making me go silent.

"I could never be with you, you disgust me."

He sneers before walking away.

I feel a hot tear slide down my cheek as the word "disgust" repeats on loop in my mind. Draco's cold hand cups my face as he wipes away the salty tear with his thumb.

"I'm sorry."

He says again.

I look down as I try to make the tears stop, but they just keep on pooling at my eyes. Through my blurry vision, I see Draco pat my skin with a handkerchief.

"I'm really sorry, Carmen."

He says again.

"It's fine."

I say as I blink a couple of times.

I look up from the ground to his eyes. He stare at my mascara smudged eyes before wiping away the mess with his thumb. His thumb is cold yet comforting, it's confusing.

"Do you want to go inside?"

Draco asks, making me nod.

He stands up and gives me a hand for support. I grab onto it as I stand up.

"What did you do in that cabin?"

He asks as we walks inside, our hands still together.

I ignore the muffled shouting of my parents as we both walk up the stairs. He stares at me, waiting for a reply.

"Slept a lot."

I truthfully reply as we walk into Cyrus's room.

Ezra and Cyrus are talking and laughing at the table as they smoke cigarettes. Cyrus laughs as he throws his head back, a habit that we both share. Ezra catches my eye as he calms his laugh down.

"Adelph is coming soon, by the way."

Ezra says.

I let go of Draco's hand as I climb into bed. Cyrus turns his head towards me, taking a peak at me.


Is all what I say as I close my eyes.

"Do you want to eat something, sissy?"

Cyrus asks.

"No thanks."

I say as I try to fall asleep.

I turn my back towards everyone. I stare at the wall before dozing off to sleep.

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