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Cyrus yells as he paces around Carmen's room.

"I did something stupid, so stupid."

He mutters as he runs his hands through his hair.

His hand is gripping the post it note that was stuck on Carmen's wall as he sighs. He paces around the hallways back and forth, trying to think of where Carmen could be.

"I've came as soon as I received your owl."

Adelph says as Ezra and her runs into Carmen's room.

The sound of foot steps running towards them is heard as they all take a moment to look around Carmen's messy room. The footsteps slow down as Draco appears.


Draco mutters to himself as he looks around Carmen's room. He observes the scene while he walks closer to Ezra, Cyrus, and Adelph who are standing in the middle of her room.

"She's really gone?"

Ezra asks as he looks around.

"Yes, Ezra, she is."

Cyrus says with a sigh as he gives Ezra Carmen's note.


Ezra mutters as he reads the post it note.

"I should have at least listened to her, I was such a dickhead."

Cyrus groans as he runs his hand through his hair.

Draco looks down at the pictures and clothes that are spread around the floor with shame. He knew that he should have at least showed up to Carmen's event today, to at least hear her out.


Adelph says as she covers her teary eyes with her hands.

"What have we done?"

She says as she crouches down and picks up a picture of her and Carmen during first year.

In the picture, Adelph is hugging Carmen with a large smile in the slytherin common room. It was taken during their first year at Hogwarts. Carmen is smiling in the picture, her face full of innocence.

Cyrus clutches the shattered piggy bank pieces that is on her bed.

"She took all of her money and jewelry."

He says.

Everybody looks at him and then to his hands that is holding the glass pieces of the piggy bank.

"She could be anywhere by now, she at least has a couple of thousands."

He says, his eyes bleak.

"My mother said that she saw Carmen walk west four hours ago, if that helps."

Draco says as he stares at the spilled ink on her desk.

"Our mum is calling up every single friend of Carmen's right now."

Cyrus says as he blankly stares at the shattered piggy bank that is in his hands.

"Why don't we go search for her at Diagon Alley? We might find something."

Ezra says.

Adelph's cries slowly calms down as she stands up. Ezra holds her hand as he waits for everyone else's reaction to his suggestion.

"I'm going with Ezra to Diagon Alley, it's our best chance."

Adelph says in between her after cry hiccups.

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