♡︎𝓽᭙ꫀꪀ𝓽ꪗ 𝓽᭙ꪮ♡︎

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   I climb into Cyrus's room from his window as I clutch onto my pink backpack. Cyrus must be out because the bed is empty, even though it is two in the morning.

I just need to get a bottle, then I'm out.

I walk slowly with care towards his cabinet. My eyebrows furrow when I open the almost empty cabinet. Customers must have been increasing during this summer break because he usually has his cabinet updated with more alcohol and drugs.

"I hear something."

I hear Draco whisper outside of the room.

I walk backwards quickly as I hear footsteps come near the room. My eyes close when I accidentally knock over a quidditch trophy off of a shelf. I open the window in a panicking manner as I hear the door swing open. I begin to climb out but I am not quick enough. Draco's hands grab me by the hips, pulling me away from the window.

"Let me go."

I cry out as Cyrus shuts the window.

I kick and squirm as I try to escape. Draco and I fight, elbowing and shoving eachother.

"Quick, put a sleeping charm on."

Blaise says to Ezra as they stand in front of me.

Before I can process what is happening, my eyes fall heavy.


I slowly open my eyes to the black ceiling of Cyrus's room. The sound of people playing cards and chatting fills the room. I just stare at the ceiling as I watch the cigarette smoke swirl in the air.


I hear Adelph say as I feel the bed dip near my lower body.

I stare at her as her head pops in front of my eyes.

"I'm sorry for everything."

She says.

I just stare at her, I don't know what to do. The sound of her talking becomes faint as the feeling of nausea kicks in.


I hear Cyrus ask from the table as I stay still.

I sit up quickly as I cover my mouth with my hand. I snatch the small trashcan that is besides Cyrus's night stand before throwing up in it. Adelph holds my hair back as I continue to empty my stomach.

"Are you all right?"

Ezra asks as I look up from the trash can.

I nod before standing up. Adelph follows me as I head towards Cyrus's bathroom to wash my mouth.

"Sorry, Cyrus told us that we had to follow you around for a while until we are sure that you won't run away again."

She explains with an apologetic smile through the counter mirror.

I don't say a word, I only stare at her through the mirror. I feel disgusted, not only because I just had emptied out my breakfast but because they are pitying me. I am a shit person, they shouldn't act like they care.

"Sorry for everything."

Adelph says as I clean my mouth.

"Don't be, your feelings were justified."

I say after spitting out the tooth paste.

"No, Carmen-"

She begins but I leave the bathroom, not letting her finish.

"What we did was wrong, you didn't deserve it."

She says as she jogs up to me.

I walk back into Cyrus's room to grab my bag as Adelph talks. Everybody's eyes are on me as I grab my bag from the end of Cyrus's bed. Adelph is standing in front of me as I rummage through my bag.

"It's okay."

I say as I begin to walk out of Cyrus's room.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Cyrus asks, to which I ignore as I walk into my room.


Cyrus asks as he walks into my room.

"Where are you going?"

Draco asks as he stands next to Cyrus by the door.


I say as I try to open my window, but it won't budge.

"I put a charm on all windows, you can't open it unless you say the password."

Cyrus says, making me groan with annoyance.

I push Cyrus aside and walk towards the stairs. Right before I can take a step down, Draco pulls me by my upper arm.

"You're not going anywhere."

He says.

"I have to, it's my home."

I say.

"No, this is your home."

Cyrus corrects from afar.

I stare at Draco, my eyes pacing back and forth as I study his features. He doesn't seem to be disgusted with me, but again, I can't read him like a book.


Is all what Draco says.

"Carmen, please."

Cyrus pleads, making me look to him.

"Please stop running away, everybody is worried sick."

He says.

I'm better off at my own place. It isn't a lie that I only cause stress when I'm around, I'm trying to do everyone a favour.

"My stuff is at my place."

I say.

"Okay, well, go with Draco and come back then."

Cyrus says.

I sigh as I dig out the sage coloured key from my skirt pocket. Draco's hand that was around my upper now is loose as I hand him the key. When we both hold onto the sage key, we instantly teleport to my cabin.

"Is this where you've been this entire time?"

He asks as I unlock the cabin with another key.

I remain silent as I walk in. Draco walks in next as he looks around the cabin. The wood is white, even the floors. There isn't much furniture, only a medium sized couch, a dining table, and a chair. The kitchen is quite small, but nothing a single person can't work with.

"Are you going to ignore me the entire time? Are you that mad at me?"

He asks as I past the kitchen, towards the stairs.

He follows after me as I walk up the creaky stairs. The second floor isn't really big, it's actually pretty small. My room and a bathroom is the only rooms on this floor.

"I'm not mad at anybody."

I say as I throw my makeup into my bag.

Draco observes me as he takes a seat on my bed. He then looks around the sage and pastel colour themed room as I pack my items.

"I'm just confused."

I say, saying how I feel on my own.

I feel a wave of regret as Draco looks at me again. I hate showing my feelings, I hate how vulnerable it makes me.

"Why are you confused?"

He asks.

"You guys hate me, yet you want to keep me around."

I explain.

"We don't hate you, we never did."

He says, his tone cold but his words soft.

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