Chapter 29

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Kageyama's POV
"Kageyamaaaaaaaa!" I turned around, just in time to get knocked over by Hinata. He giggled while laying on top of me.

"There you are!"

"....Did you have to try and kill me?" I said, Hinata laughing and rolling off me. I sat up as Hinata scooted next to me and held something out.

"What's that?"

"Kenma showed it to me! Here, look through this part, and then point this part up at the sky." He said, giving me the little piece of equipment. I followed Hinata's instructions and looked up at the sky.


"Isn't that cool!"

"Yeah it is. What is this thing?"

"Kenma said he calls it a spy glass, it makes stuff bigger if you look in it!" I nodded, looking up at the stars a little longer before setting the spy glass aside. Hinata smiled and climbed into my lap with a yawn.

"Oi, if you're tired why don't you go below the deck and to our room."

"Will you come with me??" He asked sleepily. I sighed, wrapping my arms around my tiny boyfriend and getting up. I was tired too, so, I just carried him down to the room we were being allowed to stay in to sleep for the night.

Kenma's POV
"Kuroo?" Kuroo glanced up, smiling faintly to see me wander over.

"Hello kitten. Coming in for the night?" He asked as I nodded tiredly. He watched as I set down the bag of books and scrolls I always carry around all day before climbing into bed. Kuroo just went back to looking at the map laid out on my desk when I spoke.

"Hey Kuroo, where are we headed next. Like the place those two guys will end up."

"Why, we are sailing right back where they came from." He said as I sat up.

"What?" I asked, getting up when he waved him over. He pulled a rolled up piece of paper out from the desk's wooden drawer and showed the flyer to me.

"Look familiar, kitten?"

"...The prince??"

"That boy's name isn't just Tobio. It's Kageyama. The king has been throwing these around looking for his safe return. The king is also offering a lotta money."

"Well, what about the other boy?"

"Who cares."

"Kuroo.." I mumbled, Kuroo setting the flier down. He turned his chair so I could walk closer. I made myself comfortable in his lap and stared at him quietly.

"I don't want you turning either of them in."

"Hm? Why not?"

"They both paid you to get away from this place I'm guessing. And besides, they're nice."

"Kenma, sometimes I think you forget that you're a pirate."

"No. YOU'RE a pirate. I'm just here because you asked me too. Plus, I wanted to travel and see the world."

"So what're you saying kitten."

"I'm saying that if you turn in the prince and that boy, I'll be leaving as well." I said rather seriously. Kuroo looked at me surprised before smiling.

"You're bluffing."

"Am I?" I said, Kuroo biting his bottom lip. This is probably the first time I've seen him look anxious. It was actually quite amusing. This man could face down a Kraken while laughing but when I threaten to leave, he pouts.

"...AGH. FINE. If I take them to our next stop, you'll stay?"

"Yes." I said, Kuroo sighing heavily and nodding. I smiled faintly and climbed off him, watching him step out onto the deck and shout something to whoever was at the wheel and told them to return to the originally planned course. After Kuroo walked back in, he sat down with a tiny growl.

"There. Happy?"

"Yes, thank you." I said, sitting back in his lap and leaning in to give him a kiss. Kuroo pouting slightly.

"What, don't want a kiss? Fine by me. I'm going to bed then." I said, leaning back and starting to get up. Kuroo grabbed me by my hips and roughly pulled me back down onto his lap.

"Uh-uh kitten, I want more than a kiss for doing that." He said with a grin. I blushed and rolled my eyes. It wasn't like I was surprised. And it wasn't like I wanted to object.

"..Fine. But you do all the work." I said, Kuroo chuckling and picking me up.

Kageyama's POV
"Kageyama...???" I looked over, seeing Hinata wander over half awake. I smiled faintly and let him cuddle in my lap.

"What're you doing awake?"

"You weren't in bed.."

"Sorry, I couldn't fall asleep."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I was just thinking about stuff."

"What kinda stuff."

"Well. We'll obviously need money. And of course I'll look for work.. But, Hinata, I've only been a prince my whole life, I don't even know what kind of work there is out there. What if I can't find anything?"

"Well I'll find work too!"

"But I don't want you to have to be worried about supporting both of us. And I'm not sure where we'll stay once this ship is at it's final location."

"Don't worry Kageyama, I know you'll find something. It's probably gonna kinda, really suck when we first get there... but! We'll figure it out." Hinata said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile slightly at his enthusiasm.

"Hey Hinata. How do you always look at things so positively?"

"Well, why should I bother looking at just the sad or hard things in life?? Yeah there's a lot of hard things about life, and I know that. But there's also a lotttttt of good things about it! Like you!" He said, cupping my cheeks with an adorable giggle. I blushed, pulling him closer and kissing him. Hinata smiled, cuddling up to me since the air was a lot colder since we were on the sea's water. I wrapped my arms around him until he drifted back off to sleep. I smiled slightly, kissing the top of his head and mumbling quietly,

"Oh Hinata.. you truly are my sunshine."

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